Been awarded LCWRA

a9324 Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener
edited August 2024 in Universal Credit (UC)


I've finally been awarded LCWRA on the 15th May.

I previously was awarded LCW without the WRA element a few years ago, I couldn't make ends meet so I ended up getting a job, within a year my health had deteriorated and ended up in hospital.

I wad signed off work on the 3rd August 2023 after coming home from hospital so I uploaded my sick note to my UC journal. I had a few ocupation health appointments from work and kept signed off by my doctor I was uploading monthly sick notes to my journal and kept intouch with my work coach.

My work coach re referred me in Nov 2023 for a WCA (I was already on limited capability without the work related activity) I recieved the questionnaire and send this back, I was informed from UC as I already had a previous WCA I wasn't requited to send sick notes in so I only sent sicknotes from August 23 to November 23.

I finally recieved an appointment for my WCA on the 25th April 2024 and had the decision on the 15th May 2024 via my journal saying I had been awarded LCWRA.

I have checked my statement for thos month (26th May statement issued and recieve payment on the 30th) its showing my LCWRA payment on my statement.

I understand from Google and the forums if you are awarded LCWRA you will get this payment from the 4th month from sending in your sicknotes. I have only had the letter on my journal about this and not a actual letter.

i have a few questions if anyone could answer it would be much appreciated....

So when am I entitled to be paid from? How long does the back pay take to get?

many thanks


  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,742 Online Community Programme Lead

    Good afternoon @a9324

    I'm so sorry your question appears to have been missed. Did you hear any more from UC regarding this?

    Unfortunately UC informing you to not hand in fit notes may cause an issue to any backdated payment. It's my understanding that when someone has LCW and they are reviewed any payment is usually from the decision date. However, if you initiated the review by reporting a change of circumstances or worsening condition (by handing in fit notes), it should be from the date of change.