Faithlong Online Community Member Posts: 69 Contributor

hi I am currently receiving the legacy employment and support allowance work related activity since 2012. I also received the PIP enhanced for daily living and low mobility.

For the most part I have been left alone. I don’t work with any coach, I don’t get any reviews since and 2018 I’ve been left alone. However, now I understand that we will all be moving to universal credit later this year.

My question is do I call employment and support allowance and ask them for a review before moving to universal credit so I can be moved to the support group which I think I’m entitled to do and I have the medical evidence to back me up or should I wait and do that with universal credit, once I move, I’m just wondering which one will cause less stress and chaos in my life? The reason I’m asking this is because I do not want to be dealing with someone asking me every week to look for work when I am physically and mentally incapable of doing that and I also don’t want to lose any money or be worse off.

I would really appreciate your kind help and helping me with this issue.

Thank you


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    Only you can decide what you want to do. The WCA process is the same for both ESA and UC. When you eventually claim UC you will be placed into the LCW group, if you're still in the WRAG. You won't be made to look for work but you maybe expected to attend work focused interviews with a work coach.

    You will also not be worse off when you migrate to UC from ESA and your UC will include the LCW element, if you're still in the WRAG at that time.

  • Ray212
    Ray212 Online Community Member Posts: 594 Empowering

    This was my exact scenario. I was on ESA and was left alone for years, no calls, no interviews, nothing, though mainly that was from 2019-2022. Then I moved to UC because at the time I would have been better off due to one thing or another.

    I ended up going back to having interviews with the job coach every 3 months. Was all a bit pointless, was there less than 10 minutes and that was it for another 3 months until I got LCWRA

  • Faithlong
    Faithlong Online Community Member Posts: 69 Contributor

    Thank you so much for taking the time to reply Poppy, would you advise me to go through with a review now or wait until I’m moved to universal credit? What would you do?

  • Faithlong
    Faithlong Online Community Member Posts: 69 Contributor

    Thank you so much for replying, can you tell me about the process on how you got moved to the lcwra group? Like did you ask for it or did they send the review form and how long did it take?

    Also, if you were too ill to leave the house, can you send them medical proofs of that so they appointment can be on the phone or on video or is that not allowed?

  • Faithlong
    Faithlong Online Community Member Posts: 69 Contributor

    Thank you so much for replying, can you tell me about the process on how you got moved to the lcwra group? Like did you ask for it or did they send the review form and how long did it take?

    Also, if you were too ill to leave the house, can you send them medical proofs of that so they appointment can be on the phone or on video or is that not allowed?

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    I'm afraid I can't tell you what you should do, only you can decide that. Have you had a look at the descriptors for Support Group to see if any would apply? You can see them here.

    Most work capability assessments are done through telephone. If you do receive an appointment for a face to face then you can change to a telephone appointment.

  • Faithlong
    Faithlong Online Community Member Posts: 69 Contributor

    I did have a look and thank you for sharing. I do think I’m entitled but I’m worried of going through a review and then going through another review when I’m moved to UC! These things bring me untold anxiety!

  • Ray212
    Ray212 Online Community Member Posts: 594 Empowering

    I just went through the standard ESA to UC process, as I was already getting ESA, I then get LCW. I never asked for a work capability assessment I was just given one. Think I had been on LCW around a year by then. My last assessment was 2019 so was due for one anyway. I never got asked where I wanted the interview, nor did I request anywhere, they just gave me one over the phone which I think they are still doing a lot of now.

    Despite the horror stories you may read the advisor I had when on LCW was pretty understanding and I only saw here once every 3 months which I was told was the maximum time they can allow. And I was only there like 10 mins.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    Another WCA review is not part of the process of moving to UC, whether that’s managed migration or natural migration.