PIP Tribunal

salty1212334 Online Community Member Posts: 156 Contributor

I have my pip tribunal in 2 days it goes back 20 months will I get back pay if I get it; I've been diagnosed with pulmonary emphysema, knee osteoarthritis, heel bursitis, mixed personality disorder bpd/aspd, and I am on bail for ABH. and I have been vomiting blood I have to have a camera down my throat they suspect gastric ulcers. I have had arguments with doctor receptionist and pharmacist at the hospital I also have severe vitamin D deficiency my doctor told me to go out but I just get in arguments so I stay in. Will I be classed as a substantial risk I got LCWRA they think I have schizophrenia for some reason I sent that letter over to pip. I need a carer to get to my appointments and keep me calm do I need PIP to have someone who can help. I have no support whatsoever the nurses told me to contact mental health again but I don't want to. I am 33 and wright off I go purple if I stand to long the desk sargent at the police station couldn't believe all my problems at the age I am. I am slightly overweight I am 15st I put 4 stone on in about 3 months because of my medication I no it don't go off diagnosis but these are causing me alot of problems


  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,727 Online Community Programme Lead

    Hi @salty1212334, I appreciate not wanting to go down that route again, but it does sound like you could do with some support. Can I ask why you don't want to?

    You can read more on our information pages about how you'd go about having a personal assistant (PA) and paying for one through direct payments. If that's something you'd like to explore, requesting a needs assessment through your local authority is a good place to start.

  • salty1212334
    salty1212334 Online Community Member Posts: 156 Contributor

    I had a bad experience with psychiatrist he made me go to a mental health clinic the receptionist looked at me gone out she said they wasn't having appointments because of covid. I had 15 minutes on the phone because he made me go there. I got mad and he threatened to put the phone down if I didn't calm down perhaps they should do there job properly

    I will take a look at the information you gave about carer thank you

  • salty1212334
    salty1212334 Online Community Member Posts: 156 Contributor

    I have also had a message from tribunal how do I do this do I reply to the email

    Please confirm receipt of this email and provide the names of who will be taking part/ observing the hearing.

  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 4,785 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Hello @salty1212334, it sounds like you can just email them back to say you have received their email and include who will be with you for your hearing 😊