Capita PIP

sookie83 Online Community Member Posts: 12 Listener
edited June 2024 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA

I posted on here I think last week about waiting times for a capita assessment report phone assessment being cut short then veen told it would then be done as a paper assessment after waiting 10 months for a assessmenton my pip review, I badly need some advice I feel like im having a nervous breakdown with all the stress pf this my mother phoned capita last week and they told her that reason it's taking so long for them to finish there assessment report is due to it being a paper assessment and they are waiting on health professionals to get back to them. It's been five weeks since I sent them my letter from my doctor explaining my conditions how it effects me daily so on this was the only thing I was told send in. The health professionals I put down on my pip forms have only just been contacted and this has been going on since April. My consultant who i wish wasn't my consultant, is now not wanting to fill out the request from capita for another month until I have my next appointment with him in July!! I'm literally absolutely in a mess cause of this, capita are waiting on him to get back to them with information on me, delaying this process even longer than a year , even longer as nothing has been sent to the dwp yet. And I'm beside myself with stress, by the time he actually does this and sends it back it will be almost 14 months with out it even being sent to the dwp. Is he allowed to this? He's not very good at his job but he diagnosed with me adhd and capita are waiting on him. I seen him last in April and came out of there crying, I had to phone his receptionist earlier and asked why he's not going to do this until July i explained how this is delayeing this hell even longer, she said he's going to do it on my next appointment, probably incase anything has changed since my last appointment with him in April.! Is he allowed to do this? What shall I do. I feel like im up against a wall everywhere I turn. Shall I ring capita and tell them this information or not ? I've never read or heard anyone else have to go this absolute ridiculous rigmarole. I've been told what information they need from him I don't see how or why I have to wait until July it's just delaying everything even further, can anyone give me any advice. I'm feeling absolutely broken,


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,045 Championing

    I don't think there's anything you can do to make your Consultant return the information any quicker. There are very long delays with reviews for the majority of people. You're lucky they've contacted someone because it's rare for them to do that.

    I totally understand the stress it causes, I'm also going through my PIP review and received a letter today telling me it's been extended for a year because no decision's been made yet. It's just a waiting game and nothing I can do in the meantime.

    All you can do is wait along with many thousands of others. Try to focus on something else while you wait.

  • sookie83
    sookie83 Online Community Member Posts: 12 Listener

    Basically I think they have to. My forms were diabolical and very little information on them again cause it's been a year I don't think they can go off what I wrote alone as I had no idea they where gonna give Me a paper assessment if id known I would of sent more information off and had letters off health professionals, I think this is why they have had to contact them. Thanks for your response I honestly don't mean to be so agitated I'm just getting very frustrated

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,045 Championing

    No one knows if they will have a paper based assessment. The most important part of a PIP claim, whether it's a new claim or a review is the form you actually fill in. The more information you give, the more chance you have of a paper based assessment.

  • sookie83
    sookie83 Online Community Member Posts: 12 Listener

    Well that is,my biggest stress as it wasn't filled in correctly and over a year old . Things have changed. Hence why I've been so worried the form's I sent back we're terrible