Note in my journal?

chelwa91 Community member Posts: 7 Listener

hi, I received a note in my journal this morning as follows:

Good Morning “You will receive a letter in the post inviting 
you for an interview. Please do not ignore this. 
Full contact details are in the letter.”

does anyone know what this interview is going to be for? I work so I doubt it’s to do with work coach, I have never received a letter from universal credit before and it’s made me very anxious?

Anyone had this before?



  • chelwa91
    chelwa91 Community member Posts: 7 Listener

    sorry, the note says good morning “you will receive a letter in the post inviting you for an interview, please do not ignore this.

    Full contact details are in the letter.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing

    I have no idea what that could be. Usually when claiming UC if you have access to a journal you don’t usually receive letters in the post.

    The only exception to this would be an appointment for the work capability assessment, if you reported a health condition.

  • chelwa91
    chelwa91 Community member Posts: 7 Listener

    hi, thanks, I haven’t got any health conditions and I am currently working so I don’t think it’s that. I wish they would of just said on my journal, I have no interviews in my todo list either.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing

    I can only guess it’s related to. Put a message on your journal and ask them.

  • Jimm_Scope
    Jimm_Scope Posts: 4,297 Online Community Specialist

    Yeah, if there's nothing that seems to make sense I would just ask them. Usually interviews are just for the health assessments or if you aren't working.

  • chelwa91
    chelwa91 Community member Posts: 7 Listener

    I have left them a message but I’m sure I will have to wait a week for a reply, that’s seems that seems to be the way it’s going at the moment lol. Thank you

  • Jimm_Scope
    Jimm_Scope Posts: 4,297 Online Community Specialist

    If you get your answer and have more questions we're always here 😊

  • chelwa91
    chelwa91 Community member Posts: 7 Listener

    I have called universal credit today as no one has responded to my journal entry and I haven’t received any letters, the lady I spoke to on the phone said she can’t see any letters that have been sent out, wait until Monday and ask again. Very stressed out now as to what this is…

  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 6,814 Online Community Coordinator

    That's all very confusing @chelwa91 unfortunately I also have no idea what the letter could be. Hopefully your work coach will reply soon with an explanation.

  • chelwa91
    chelwa91 Community member Posts: 7 Listener

    so I received a letter this morning, an interview under caution with the dwp!. I cancelled my single person benefits last August 2023 so I don’t know why they have asked me for an interview because they believe I haven’t “declared someone living with me” does this mean from before I cancelled it or now? I will ring them Monday but my anxiety is through the roof now!

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing

    I'm assuming you're still claiming UC and your claim didn't end in August last year. If so then I can't tell you if the interview is related to your situation now or previously. All I can advise is that you're honest during the interview.

    If you were living with a partner when your claim was for a single person then yes this will be benefit fraud.

  • chelwa91
    chelwa91 Community member Posts: 7 Listener

    i haven’t claimed anything on my own since we got back together last August, I cancelled everything and then we claimed as a couple (joint claim) in December?.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing

    I'm afraid I can't tell you whether this is related to your current claim or previous claim.