PIP capita telephone assessment . Help needed .

aliuk96 Community member Posts: 11 Listener

hi all

Today (6/6/2024) is my pip telephone assessment by capita . they are calling me this afternoon .
I’m literally having a panic attacks and the time tick down to my telephone assessment .
do any know what they may ask …

I’m so scary and worry that I may lose my pip and I can’t afford to .

I suffer from very bad anxiety and depression and this is really making so anxious I’m unsure what to do .

Please help ??????


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,145 Championing

    In sorry this is causing so much anxiety for you. You’re not alone with feeling this way because the majority of people think the same.

    I can’t tell you what questions they will ask because that depends on how your conditions affect you. Try not to answer the questions with just a yes or no and try to give as much detail as possible.

    Do you have someone that can be with you during the call?

    The assessment can last anything from 20 to 120 minutes. If you don’t understand or hear what they said then ask them to repeat it.

    Once the assessment is complete the report will be written and returned and a decision can take up to 12 weeks. Good luck.

  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 3,869 Online Community Coordinator

    Hi @aliuk96, sorry you're feeling so stressed out by your assessment. Has your phone call happened yet or are you still waiting?

    As Poppy says, it's not easy to know what questions you'll be asked as it's quite personal to each case, but just take it nice and easy and try to give as much detail as you can. Good luck, I hope it goes (or has gone) okay! Keep us updated 😊

  • aliuk96
    aliuk96 Community member Posts: 11 Listener

    just finished my telephone assessment . He was so horrible he didn’t even give a dam that I was very close to having a panic attack during the assessment . Also when I got to the end of the assessment he had the nerve to said are you going to phone you mum after this … I’m. Not sure what my mum has to do with him and the assessment . That my mum he’s talking about . Oh my days am i even more anxious then I was before they called

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,145 Championing

    I’m sorry it was very stressful for you. I wouldn’t look into the comment too much about your mum, he was just asking if you were ringing your mum. I would say it was just small talk.
    Hopefully you won’t be waiting too long for a decision.

  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 3,869 Online Community Coordinator

    I'm sorry to hear it was so tough @aliuk96 and that you didn't feel like your assessor was understanding. But well done for getting through it. Take it really easy today and be kind to yourself. Fingers crossed you get your decision quickly, keep us posted!