Hi, my name is Fel. Any advice for treating pressure sores?

Fel Community member Posts: 1 Listener

Hello, I would like some advice on pressure sores I have on my
bottom for the last three months. I have been on bed rest for the last
three months except for getting up for 4 or five hours each day. My
district nurses have been using the following products; which have
worked for the first month or so but now the pressure sores are
Could you please advise me on any other better solutions?
MEDI DERMA PRO - Foam & Spray Incontinence Cleaner
MEDI DERMA PRO - Skin Protection Ointment & Cream
Looking forward to hear from you, yours sincerely


  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 3,782 Online Community Coordinator

    Hello @Fel, sorry to hear you're struggling with pressure sores, that sounds really painful. I'm afraid this isn't something that I can offer any advice on myself, but I wanted to pop in to say hello and welcome you to the community. I'll put your post into our pain management section where more members can find it. It's nothing you've done wrong by posting in the hello section, it just makes it easier for the right people to find you and offer their advice. I hope that's okay with you!

    We can't offer any specific medical advice, but I hope some of our members might be able to share what's worked for them and perhaps give some ideas of things to try. I hope you get some relief soon. 😊

  • egister
    egister Posts: 279 Empowering

    Mechanical pressure on bedsores must be avoided.