
66Mustang Community member Posts: 14,985 Championing

Have you ever been really excited or planned on doing something for ages and then it turned out to be a bit of a disappointment?

I think one for me was driving a Ford Mustang … it looks good and sounds nice and stuff but it was not overly good to drive. It's comfortable and everything but just like wafting along in a boat, not overly responsive to what you tell it to do. My Mini is more fun!


  • Jimm_Scope
    Jimm_Scope Posts: 4,895 Online Community Specialist

    Yeah, I have felt that before. From what I understand of the Mustang it is very much an American car. It's designed to do one thing, go fast in a straight line and little else! They look cool, sound cool, but they're really not designed to take corners 🤣 blame the American road system I guess?

    I've had the same feeling with video games. Games that I've really been excited about, and then they're released buggy, broken, or just not as fun as expected. Just a bit of a let down I guess?

  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Community member Posts: 14,985 Championing

    I know what you mean about games @Jimm_Scope

    I'm not a big gaming expert so maybe this is a big no-no in the gaming world, but I often watch the cinematic for a game and think "that looks awesome!!!!" then the game is NOTHING like the cinematic 😆

    Assassin's Creed, I'm looking at you 😆

    Another one for me is a few different foods. I am quite a "foodie" and have tried some of the so-called "luxury" foods that are seen as delicacies … I think caviar tasted like fishy bubble tea with a bit of sea water added for extra taste, and truffle is weird, I can't describe it but didn't like it 🤔

  • Jimm_Scope
    Jimm_Scope Posts: 4,895 Online Community Specialist

    No I totally get it @66Mustang. Some video game developers are awful for using amazing cinematics and then the game is just… eh. Usually they're required to put in small text somewhere if the cinematic was created using the game or not. Even then they'll be running the game on the best computer possible so it looks the best. While on computers that aren't as good it'll look nowhere near as good.

    I consider myself a bit of a "foodie" too, but I've yet to try caviar. I agree with truffle though, I don't dislike it. In fact I quite like it when it's in the background. But I think it is soooo overrated.

  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Community member Posts: 14,985 Championing

    Can you recommend any foods to try that weren't disappointing @Jimm_Scope? 😃

    One for me which you may well have already tried is called Mochi Ice Cream - there is a brand called Little Moons that makes them and I thought they were really delicious. They are quite a modest size as well if you have any sort of intolerance to large amounts of dairy!!

  • Jimm_Scope
    Jimm_Scope Posts: 4,895 Online Community Specialist

    I do like mochi icecream! I do have an intolerance to dairy, but Little Moons actually have some vegan varieties so I have them 😊

    Honestly, when it comes to vegan alternatives I think ice-cream is the best. There is barely any difference in flavour compared to dairy ice-cream, main issue is it's usually a bit pricier.

    Hmmm, I guess it's the opposite of an anti-climax, but I thought I would hate sushi. Raw fish etc., but I actually ended up loving it.

    A common food anti-climax for me, before I got Crohns, was ordering steak at a restaurant. I feel like steak I cooked myself was just always so much better and I'd usually get disappointed with restaurant steak (unless it was very high-end).

    Oh another one, when I ate fast food, KFC. KFC would always smell so nice, and then I'd take a bite and remember why I disliked it.

  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Community member Posts: 14,985 Championing

    I think it's hard having certain conditions anyway but it must be less pleasant having a condition that impacts on something that you love 🙁 but looking on the bright side I guess being a foodie means you are better equipped to find creative ways to deal with the restrictions??

    I agree with steak!! I used to be quite a carnivore but I can actually take or leave steak now!! If it was the same price as other meals then I think I would choose it occasionally but I don't find myself being able to justify paying a lot more for something that I don't like significantly more than less expensive options

  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Community member Posts: 3,137 Championing

    Getting my first 'sports' car… I'd had the standard versions of the same car in various trims and with various engines. But around 5 years after buying the first one, I managed to get one of the flagship sports versions just at the lowest point in their value (15 years old), before they started to appreciate in value again.

    It was 'nice enough', but I was expecting something else that just wasn't there. In fact, I definitely had more fun in one of the cheaper versions with a smaller engine…

    However what I learned from that is that I'm not a fan of straight line speed or having to keep revving an engine hard and changing gear to keep it in the powerband. And reinforced the fact that I couldn't tolerate the ride on firm suspension.

    A few years later I bought another one, (in worse condition and at a higher price lol), just to see if I felt any different. I didn't!! However, I ended up swapping that one for another car that I never had really wanted and wasn't even looking for - it was just offered to me as a straight swap and financially made good sense. Again it was a flagship sports model, but smaller and less powerful and from a different brand. And to my complete surprise, that one was a lot of fun! I ended up finding a low of new places to walk simply by going for a drive around the backroads and finding scenic places to take photos of it against the background. Also allowed me to fit in with a few different car meets and join in with some enthusiast groups that I hadn't previously been part of.

    Since then I've tried not to make any judgement before actually experiencing something…that should prevent too much disappointment.

  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Community member Posts: 14,985 Championing

    " Since then I've tried not to make any judgement before actually experiencing something…that should prevent too much disappointment. "

    @OverlyAnxious I've always applied that in the sense of don't assume you WON'T like something before you try it, but never it's really occurred to me to think that way when it comes to being positive … I guess it's a sense of optimism which can be a good thing, but looking back I do think some of the best times I've had have been when I wasn't expecting to have a good time in the first place