Water bill

apples Community member Posts: 336 Empowering

hi all

I live in a hmo, I used to receive water bills addressed to my flat number but the landlords name, yesterday I received the water bill in my name

The water system is connected to other rooms and there is a communal washing machine

I am definitely not paying it but wondered where I stand as I haven’t got my own water meter or water pipes as mentioned they feed off from other rooms



  • apples
    apples Community member Posts: 336 Empowering

    hi @woodbine thanks for the reply

    I am unable to talk to people I am not paying any way so I’ll throw the letter in the bin

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing

    Living in a HMO then all of you should be paying a share of the bill. You really shouldn't just ignore a bill and pretend it's not there.

  • apples
    apples Community member Posts: 336 Empowering

    apart from mine everyone else’s bill is still addressed to the landlord, all the other tenants are junkies or alchies so they aren’t going to pay

  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,554 Online Community Programme Lead

    Are you able to write to the landlord @apples? Previously was the water bill included within your rent?

  • MW123
    MW123 Scope Member Posts: 706 Championing

    Since all other tenants have received bills addressed to the landlord, I recommend emailing the water company to clarify why the bill is addressed to you personally instead. It's essential to promptly address this payment demand in your name as a matter of urgency. You can handle this entirely through email; there's no need to speak with anyone directly.

  • apples
    apples Community member Posts: 336 Empowering

    hi @Adrian_Scope no the landlord are rogue and don’t care hence the residents I have to live with

    @MW123 thanks for the reply, when I try to contact the water supplier I get a contact number or WhatsApp option and I’m not giving my phone number using WhatsApp, if they send the bailiffs I have nothing here as I don’t keep valuable items here, and in court I can explain the water pipes feed from room to room

    Due to this property making my mh worse I wouldn’t pay a pound a month to live here, I’m not here by choice

  • MW123
    MW123 Scope Member Posts: 706 Championing


    While you should do what feels right for you, I gently suggest contacting the water company, even by post, to clear up the misunderstanding. If you don't remove your name from the bill, unpaid bills, even if sent by mistake, can be reported to credit agencies by UK water companies.

    This means a missed or late payment could appear on your credit report, affecting your credit rating for up to six years. This could impact everything from switching mobile phone providers to even securing a new tenancy agreement. I'm not trying to cause you any distress; I just feel you should be aware there could be problems. Take care x

  • apples
    apples Community member Posts: 336 Empowering

    @MW123 many thanks for the information very much appreciated, I will try to contact them during the week

    thank again

  • apples
    apples Community member Posts: 336 Empowering

    just rang them but because I wouldn’t give my name they wouldn’t talk to me

  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Community member Posts: 2,964 Championing

    If the bill is addressed to you, they already have your name. You will need to pass the security checks before they can discuss your account.

  • Jimm_Scope
    Jimm_Scope Posts: 4,317 Online Community Specialist

    Due to data laws they will not talk about an account at all over the phone without passing some level of security. So this is something you will have to do. You could also write a letter detailing the issue to the water company, but you will still need to pen your name to the letter, otherwise how will they know what account is the issue?

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing

    How do you think they will be able to help you without first giving your details? They can’t guess what they are.

  • apples
    apples Community member Posts: 336 Empowering

    I told them the property is a hmo and the bill has to be made out to landlord but they didn’t care so neither do I

    Don’t need anymore replies to this post as I’m not paying anyway so don’t need to reply

  • Strawberry1
    Strawberry1 Community member, Scope Member Posts: 4,280 Championing

    More rises on water bills on the horizon. I will never know how they justify these issues.