Anyone else feeling like this?

FallOutBoyfan99 Community member Posts: 13 Connected

I'm feeling depressed all the time, even though my future looks bright from the outside.

I've recently moved out of my mum's house to live with my partner, (it's been a week since I moved in) who goes back to work tomorrow and I'm involuntary jealous because I'm unemployed and currently looking for work, but I don't know what I want to do next.

Does anyone else have these feelings and have you got any advice for how to overcome them, please?



  • Jimm_Scope
    Jimm_Scope Posts: 4,895 Online Community Specialist

    Hey @FallOutBoyfan99, it's not easy I understand. I was in your position some years ago where my partner worked but I wasn't really contributing at all. I did a lot of the housework but I still felt like I wasn't doing my "fair share" so to speak. Looking for a job can be very tiring and frustrating. Do you have any hobbies or interests that you can turn to for inspiration on what to do next?

    Have you spoken to your GP at all about these feelings? Though the waiting lists for therapy can be long, therapy certainly can help you process these feelings and understand them. It certainly helped me understand where certain feelings were coming from and why I was having them. And that understanding helped me overcome them.

    You can also check out Mind, they have a bunch of pages with tips for helping with various mental health related issues: Tips for everyday living.

  • MW123
    MW123 Scope Member Posts: 750 Championing
    edited June 17

    Feeling depressed despite positive external circumstances is common. Accept your emotions without judgment, and communicate with your partner for support. When your partner returns to work, create a daily routine to give your days structure. Transitioning from having someone around to being alone all day can be isolating, so plan how you will spend your time.

    While the job market can be unpredictable, focus on what you can control, such as applying for a set number of jobs each week and exploring courses or further education. Consider your interests and whether they might lead to a fulfilling career, as it's important to do work that enriches your soul as well as your bank account. Wishing you all the best as you navigate this next chapter of your life.

  • FallOutBoyfan99
    FallOutBoyfan99 Community member Posts: 13 Connected

    Hey Jim, thanks for your message.

    I'm really interested in doing something mental health related because I have lived experience, but I don't have any counselling experience or a degree (not smart enough). 🤣

    I've spoken to my GP in the past, had counselling but personally it didn't help me. I'm going to speak to them again and see if I can be referred for phyciatric help as I think that would be more beneficial.

    I'll check out the pages you suggested on Mind's website, thanks for the link. 🙂

  • Jimm_Scope
    Jimm_Scope Posts: 4,895 Online Community Specialist

    I don't believe for a moment that you aren't smart enough. While you might not be able to jump straight into working in the industry have you considered what steps you could take to start that journey?

    While it won't resolve not bringing money in, a small amount of volunteering can help you get some experience as well as get you out the house if it's not remote volunteering. Even then, there are remote volunteering opportunities these days.

    I hope your GP starts the process for getting you proper treatment, fingers crossed 🤞