Just Stop Oil - idiots

Wibbles Community member Posts: 1,972 Trailblazing


Apparently the stones are responsible for us all needing oil to get from A to B


  • Ralph
    Ralph Community member Posts: 115 Empowering

    It’s a shame to disfigure monuments like this but I think the stones have survived thousands of years and a bit of powder paint won’t do them any harm.

  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 6,743 Online Community Coordinator
    edited June 19

    I was on the side of Just Stop Oil until they did this. Everything else was easy to wash off etc and yes, they've said the paint will wash off with rain, but it's a place of great religious significance for Pagans/Wiccans. Especially harsh as tomorrow is the summer solstice.

  • Wibbles
    Wibbles Community member Posts: 1,972 Trailblazing

    Bring back the STOCKS and allow us to throw paint (or preferably worse) over them - What were they hoping to win by such a stupid action ?

  • Cantilip
    Cantilip Community member Posts: 606 Empowering

    So stupid, so pointless, so the stones are going to enact new legislation. So cowardly. If they have to be nasty destructive little vandals, why don't they try it on the HQ of BP or somewhere.

  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 6,743 Online Community Coordinator

    The corn flour paint not only harms the stones themselves, but has probably killed off the very rare lichen and moss growing on them for the past 100+ years. That was a very counterproductive protest.

  • MW123
    MW123 Scope Member Posts: 686 Championing

    I sometimes question if some protesters are truly committed to the cause. When protests involve vandalism and disruption, it makes me wonder about their motivations. Effective advocacy requires peaceful actions that respect others and promote the cause without causing harm or damage to property.

  • Amaya_Ringo
    Amaya_Ringo Community member Posts: 90 Empowering

    There is a difference between supporting work on climate change and climate awareness and supporting a bunch of vandals who seem to think destroying stuff is a way to change people's minds.

    We are dealing with people who are largely hypocrites as well. They use electronic devices, drive cars or travel long distances to carry out vandalism on things that exist but are not actively hurting the environment. They block roads and cause issues for people who need to get to medical appointments as well.

    I am 100% behind net zero and improving the world we live in for the next generation. I have no time for Just Stop Oil.