My PIP review

stratos Online Community Member Posts: 36 Contributor

I wanted to put this here to hopefully put aside some worries and anxieties you may have. In March 2023 the review form arrived, I filled it in and returned it. That started a process of huge anxiety and panic, even though deep down I KNOW I need it to help live my life independently. Once a month I got the text saying we are still processing. June 2024 I got a 12 month extension letter that was just long enough for me to order the new car as this one is 3 years old. Monday this week...…came the.....we have completed etc text. Cue massive melt down as I haven't had a single phone call, video call or assessment. I rang them Tues am and the lovely lady said we have paid you up to 4th July 2024........cue next meltdown!! Then almost as a throw away remark she said "we awarded you an indefinite period with a soft touch review in 2034! Delighted and relieved but just to say, please don't make yourselves ill with worry it can work out for the better. Good luck with all your review processes x


  • Jimm_Scope
    Jimm_Scope Posts: 5,409 Scope Online Community Specialist

    Lovely to hear @stratos! It shouldn't require so much anxiety and panic, but you're through it now. It's always lovely to hear the sucess stories.

  • stratos
    stratos Online Community Member Posts: 36 Contributor

    Thank you @Jimm_Scope