Help, I’ve been sanctioned!

peachtea1 Community member Posts: 11 Listener

Hello, any help would be greatly appreciated.

Backstory is I was claiming UC with LCWRA until February 2023 due to me going to university, in may 2024 I tried to reclaim but due to me still being in attendance at university the DWP called my mum who’s my appointee and mentioned that we should apply once I have officially withdrawn and then they would be able to resume my universal credit process, they also mentioned that I shouldn’t need to go through the LCRWA process again, fast forward to June 2024, I have logged into my account and went into the to do list which said “reclaim” giving them all the necessary information, my new work coach is now saying I do not have a appointee at all and that this is a completely new claim despite my account saying “reclaim” and me not having to put my passport details or anything in this time. I did tell him about the phone call and what happened previously but he does not want to know. On Friday I had a commitments appointment which I told them on Thursday I would not be able to attend if my appointee wasn’t able to come or be acknowledged. I have filed a complaint through the link that was given to me on the UC call line but now on Saturday I have received a notice about what sanctions are and am scared that I have been sanctioned as a result.

Does anyone have any advice on how I should proceed with this? Thank you


  • peachtea1
    peachtea1 Community member Posts: 11 Listener

    Also on Wednesday I had already submitted a sick note

  • peachtea1
    peachtea1 Community member Posts: 11 Listener

    just to clarify I have withdrawn from university now

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,491 Championing

    If your claim actually ended in Feb 2023 and you reclaimed again in May 2024 then your claim will not include the LCWRA element from the start.

    As it's been more than 6 months since your UC ended then you will need to report your health condition, provide another fit note and go through the work capability assessment process again. This is not a sanction, it's UC rules. The message about sanctions is likely to be a standard message and doesn't mean you've actually been sanctioned.

    For an appointee they will need to put a message on your journal to ask a work coach to arrange this for you.

    At this stage I don't know what complaint you have exactly.

  • peachtea1
    peachtea1 Community member Posts: 11 Listener

    thank you, sorry I wasn’t very clear yes as we got a call last month saying I’d be able to resume it but I am guessing this was a miscommunication? That’s okay and yes it was in my todo list about sanctions and it said this? Thanks again so I presume I haven’t been?

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,491 Championing

    The LCWRA element would only be kept of you claimed UC again within 6 months. Any longer than that and you need to go through the WCA process again.

    That message is a standard message and doesn't mean you've been sanctioned.. you haven't been. It's just advising you on the things you could be sanctioned for.