Hi im Charlie

CGood1 Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener



  • CGood1
    CGood1 Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener

    Thank you. ive got pip and was wondering if that means i can tell the job center to stop making me look for work, someone said i can do this but i dont know how? something about another asesment?

  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,327 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Heya @CGood1 and welcome to the community from me too!

    Because PIP and UC are separate benefits and they tend not to interact with each other. I'd suggest leaving a note on your UC journal and report ill health and ask for a "WCA" (work capability assessment) this will also involve getting sick notes from your doctor to hand in, but it would get the ball rolling. I'm sure someone else can explain it a lot better than me though. But I just wanted to pop in and say a quick hello. 😊

  • CGood1
    CGood1 Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener

    Thank you albus, that is very kind of you

  • StoneyShadow47
    StoneyShadow47 Scope Member Posts: 8 Listener

    If I was blessed or burdained with pip I think I would want it to come with small piece work coming through the letter box . Surveys consumer reports , deask tasks ocashional telephone work Ect for exsample . Ticking all boxes .
    In my mind pip would be my equality employer ,,,

  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,669 Online Community Programme Lead

    Hello @StoneyShadow47 and a warm welcome to the community. 😊 Can I assume from your message that you don't currently claim PIP? While I understand your point of view, it's important to remember that many people can and do claim PIP alongside working, some even fulltime. In addition, not everyone is able to do the sorts of activities you've listed and while you can work and claim PIP, there is no obligation to do so.

    Good afternoon @CGood1, do you need any more help with understanding the work capability assessment?

  • StoneyShadow47
    StoneyShadow47 Scope Member Posts: 8 Listener

    I've done a few of these meetings . I wouldn't professs to be a professional Patcient . But I do find them a bit of a personal imposition.

    Especialy when sensitive status facts are already known .

    However I usually remain calm .