Meg24 Community member Posts: 304 Pioneering
edited July 5 in Everyday life

Therese Coffey, possibly the worst ever DWP minister has LOST her seat to Labour. Hallelujah, shame she'll never be held accountable for all the damage she did. I will never forget her deliberate and repeat obfuscations, lies and the worst her insistence that her department had no duty of care to protect the vulnerable people who relied on it for their literal survival.

Good effing riddance, get thee to a work coach & I hope [content removed by moderator].


  • Remina
    Remina Community member Posts: 187 Empowering

    Hopefully Mel Stride loses his seat too, it left a bad taste in my mouth every time I saw that smug smirk of his while he was on the news denigrating the sick/disabled as 'fit note britain' and treated us all as if we were scroungers while he pushed for cruel reform of the disability welfare system, including his cruel desire to remove the substantial risk rule.

    It's a shame that Iain Duncan Smith kept his seat, his vile rhetoric and cruelty towards the sick/disabled will never be forgotten by those who were on disability benefits back in 2010 - 2016.

  • noman
    noman Community member Posts: 1,052 Pioneering

    Mel Stride kept his seat.

  • Remina
    Remina Community member Posts: 187 Empowering

    Damn it, so close, there was 16,831 votes for Mel Stride, while the Labour candidate Ollie Pearson came in with 16,770, Mel only won by 61 votes, that is such a shame, this goes to show why every vote is so important.

  • Meg24
    Meg24 Community member Posts: 304 Pioneering

    Indeed, that's why you don't split the vote, I wonder how many left leaning Labour supporters voted Green? I wonder if they're regretting it this morning... Bloody hell I would be. I would have loved to vote Green, but I helped Labour get rid of the Tory. Bigger fish and all that...

  • Rachel_Scope
    Rachel_Scope Posts: 1,229 Online Community Coordinator

    Hi everyone,

    Just wanted to let you know that I've just removed some language that didn't meet our community guidelines. We don't want to prohibit your free speech at all, just want to make sure it's all civil, which I know can be hard sometimes when it comes to politics!

  • Meg24
    Meg24 Community member Posts: 304 Pioneering

    Fine by me, people can imagine their own revenge, I'm sure many of us have...