Hi, my name is BrianMcFaddenfan24!

BrianMcFaddenfan24 Online Community Member Posts: 61 Contributor

I'm 41 years old and I live with my fiancé, my mum and my mum's lil pomchi cross chihuahua dog.

I have recently started volunteering at my local British Heart Foundation Furniture shop one day week for 2 hrs.

I enjoyed my first day, but I'm hoping that they're not going to get me to the repricing again as I found it really boring. My back was aching after a bit and I was really hot n tired afterwards.

I find that one day a week for 2 hrs is more than enough for me as I don't want to be doing too much as I'd probably get bored after so long if I was doing it for longer. My concentration is still wondering off from me lol, but that's due to my depression.

I just wish that I could have a pair of in ear earbuds so that I could listen to music as that helps me to concentrate on what I'm doing because when I was doing the repricing, there was too much going on and sometimes I forgot what one of the ladies had asked me to do so I was struggling to concentrate on the task at hand.

I can shout really loud when I want to, but I don't when I'm volunteering as I don't want to make staff and customers jump.

I'm still struggling with the volume of my voice when I'm talking as I was used to talking loud to my late nanna who is my late dad's late mum as she always turned her hearing aid down or off so that she didn't have to listen to my dad moaning or whining at her.

It's been 31 years since my grandad and auntie (my dad's eldest sister and their dad)came for my nanna and I still miss her as I was only in primary school when they came for her.

I remember saying to someone (I can't remember if it was one of my sisters,our brother or our mum who I said it to) when my nanna came for my daddy that I felt like my nanna had passed away again.

I'm a nanna's and daddy's girl and I always will be.

My fiancé has bought a few things in memory of my dad, but we haven't been able to find anything that says nanna or nana on it for my nanna as most things these days have either nan, nanny or gran or granny. My nanna hated being called grandma she preferred to be called nanna.

The above pic is of my brother and our late dad.