Isn't it strange......

Skia1200 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener

Here we are in 2024, still having to explain ourselves on a daily basis just because we present ourselves as normal out of the house?

I hold my hands up and say iv been guilty of dismissing people in the past when they have said they have something like fibromyalgia, and I feel that it's lack of education and no continuity between doctors that can fuel people's doubts. Still too this day I speak to some doctors who don't believe fibromyalgia is a real condition but on the flip side another will tell you how much of a cruel condition it is and the debilitating effects of it can be so detrimental to people's mental health!

I'm here now at the age of 40, collecting diagnosis's like nectar points! Three years ago I started to get sore and within a week I couldn't walk- and from that moment onwards my life permanently changed.

Iv just been recognized as having disabilities after a long fight with the dwp. My case went on for just over two years and during my recent Tribunal I was awarded top tier pip on both parts, they awarded me 5 years with two of those back dated to my application date. On the day of the tribunal we were taken into the hearing room, we went through introductions and instantly paused for a break while they looked over a new letter from the NHS I provided on arrival. When we were recalled the judge said that there is no need to drag things out and that they had agreed I would be given the full award solely on the medical evidence we provided and they had made their decision before even seeing me! The disability expert who was present said that seeing me in person confirmed there feelings and said they unanimously can't understand how it ever got to a tribunal with so much evidence provided at the time of application........ Finally, someone believed me and understood the details in my medical record. Iv had a call from dwp to say they don't be appealing the judgement and to await a letter but still weeks on its "being processed".

The money will really help but id much rather be fit and well.

I struggle but I keep fighting, I'm not going to give in to all this-

Arthritis, fibromyalgia, osteoporosis, diabetes, hypopituitarism, retinal retinopathy, depression, spinal degeneration with scoliosis and spondylosis, spinal cord compression..... Just to name a few

My advice to anyone in a similar situation is, take the rest when you need it. Ignore the negative people, their opinions do not matter and just don't give in to it! Take the help when it's offered and find a way of doing things that works for you-

we are not useless, we still matter.



  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 4,785 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Thanks for sharing your story @Skia1200 sounds like you've been through a lot! I'm so glad you got the recognition you needed in your assessment, that must have been a huge relief. It's frustrating how hard people have to fight.

    And you're so right. It can feel like the world around you doesn't care sometimes, but we do all matter. We all have value and a special kind of strength for living through such tough stuff 😊