UC asking for all bank accounts

bigbird777 Online Community Member Posts: 8 Listener

Hello. I'm on universal credit and now receive pip. I recently got backdated pip and had some money from family member to help pay rent on a priority as had to move as owners sold house I was renting for ten years. I informed UC on my journal that i'd got some money from family so my savings increased. A few days later I informed them that savings were less now as had to pay deposit/rent for new property. I just got a message to say I need to go in to job centre soon and take all bank statements and savings statements to show them. I will have to go to library to print them. A. I've not been in job centre for a long time as have fit note since Jan this year so worried about having to go in. B. Very worried, after reading many posts on here, that I'm going to get interrogated. I had around £6500 and now have £4000. What will happen at job centre? I'm feeling very anxious and maybe worrying too much. Please can anyone advise? Thankyou kindly.


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,032 Championing

    It's normal for them to ask for bank statements when your capital drops back below £16,000. They will take copies of your statements and a decision maker will take a look at them. Once a decision is made you'll receive a letter on your journal.

    I can't see there being any problems with using the money for what is was intended for, which was to pay rent in advance and a deposit.

  • bigbird777
    bigbird777 Online Community Member Posts: 8 Listener

    Ok. What are they looking for or at?

    I declared savings but when moving home I had to use some for deposit rent moving costs etc. so now less savings/spend money.

    Does a pip backdated payment count as savings or income?

    Do I give statements for an overdrawn bank account too, that I don't use anymore?


  • bigbird777
    bigbird777 Online Community Member Posts: 8 Listener

    Plus I've never had over 6k. Wish I had 16k!

  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,613 Championing

    The first post says you had £6500. If you never had over £6k, there would have been no need to inform them.

    Backdated PIP is disregarded entirely for the first 12 months after receiving it. After that 12 months ends, it is then classed as savings.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,032 Championing

    Typo the figure I said should have been £6,000 because in your first post you said you had £6,500.

  • bigbird777
    bigbird777 Online Community Member Posts: 8 Listener

    Yes typo. Only had 6k and declared it. Then changed to lower as paid rent etc.

    Im just stressing as don't like being under pressure and sends anxiety high.