Backdated PIP and UC savings

Fudgie73 Community member Posts: 6 Listener
edited July 27 in Universal Credit (UC)

I was hoping someone could help me.

I'm on Universal Credit as a joint claim with my partner. I am severely disabled and recieve PIP ongoing.

Universal Creidit know, I also receive the full Work Capability from them.

I have had an accesement done and my Work Capability was backdated 18 months just after covid and I've put it aside for a new bed and suite. As I have been really unwell I've been unable to get out to choose them though and now UC are taking this and my PIP as savings. It is over the £6000.

Can they do this as I thought PIP was disregarded but I'm told if you don't spend it in 12 months it's not. This is causing me great stress. I could really do with some help before a call with them happening soon.

Also my partner is due to retire at the end of August, he wants to carry on working and not claim his pension. Neither pensions or uc can give us the same answer as to what will happen. I am under pension age.

Hope this makes sense.

Thanks in advance.


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 60,394 Championing

    Backdated money from any benefits is disregarded for 12 months from the date you receive the money. After this time it's included in your savings.

    PIP isn't means tested so savings doesn't affect the money you're entitled to. However, any money not spent after the period it's paid for is treated as savings. Same applies for your UC payments. For every £250 or part thereof over £6,000 your UC reduces by £4.35/month.

    If you received any of the cost of living payments they are disregarded indefinitely.

    If your partner is reaching state pension age they must claim their state pension. If they don't claim it then they will be treated as claiming it and it will still affect your UC. Their state pension will be deducted in full from your UC entitlement.

  • Fudgie73
    Fudgie73 Community member Posts: 6 Listener

    Thank you for your quick reply.

    Can I pls ask also.

    I'm appointee for my daughters uc and PIP. She's just had PIP backdated over 12 months in april and there already deducting from her uc is this correct also?

    Thanks in advance

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 60,394 Championing

    Backdated lump sums from benefits are disregarded for 12 months from the date they are received. Are you sure it's because of that and not something else?

  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,647 Online Community Programme Lead

    Good morning @Fudgie73.

    When she reported savings to UC did she include the backdated PIP in the amount, and also send an explanation as to what the money is and that she believes it should be disregarded?

  • Fudgie73
    Fudgie73 Community member Posts: 6 Listener

    Good Afternoon

    I am her appointee so when I Added it I put a note on the journal stating why she has the money in he account and also asked for a document upload to be added so i could prove this.

    they have totally ignored the message and done the deduction and are meant to be looking into it but i have heard anything now for over a week, its supposed to be being looked into. they have confirmed its for the savings but the amount they have taken doesn't make sense as its £16.35.

    UC are so hard work to work with there communication is terrible but they expect us to read messages there and then.


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 60,394 Championing

    I agree that amount doesn't make sense. How much deduction there would be will depend on how much capital/savings she has. For every £250 or part thereof over £6,000 there's a £4.35/month deduction.