
tinajane Online Community Member Posts: 7 Connected

Hi. I'm asking fir some advise for a friend. She has been waiting for a tribunal date for pip for over a year now and recieved a letter today stating that she has been turned down as there was not enough evidence.. are pip allowed to do this whist waiting for a tribunal date


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,361 Championing

    Where was the letter from? PIP or HMCTS? It won't be PIP that will make the decision, it will be HMCTS (Tribunal)

    If it was HMCTS did she request a paper based hearing? Paper based is where they may a decision based on all the evidence they have and the claimant will not have to appear in person or have a telephone/video hearing. She needs to check to see what exactly she requested.

  • tinajane
    tinajane Online Community Member Posts: 7 Connected

    Hi it was hmcts and she was just waiting for a face to face tribunal

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,361 Championing

    They need to check that they specifically requested a face to face hearing. If she did then she needs to check that she didn't miss the hearing date because I've heard of that happening before.