Email from Labour MP



  • lizptsd
    lizptsd Community member Posts: 86 Empowering


    It's hard to know what they are up to as the press are not being stopped and their misinformation and scare mongering is targeted at the worried and vulnerable.

    I'm hoping that any approach to work will be done gently and with the support of a GP or hospital.

    Bullying will only cause more distress. I wonder whether proof will be needed for the inability to work due to limitations.

    Unfortunately as we know the inability to work due to disabilities affects all ages.

    My idiot ex employer said in my dismissal letter that I get flustered around tech!

    So I fear my ability to do a high salary job from home doubtful! 🙄

  • Rachel_Scope
    Rachel_Scope Posts: 1,059 Online Community Coordinator

    I completely agree @lizptsd that the media are spreading misinformation and scaremongering. It's so unfair that they are allowed to do it. I'm looking forward to finding out what is really going to change, if anything, so we can deal with it. A positive is that it may take years for changes to occur so we'll have time to get our head around it.

  • stay_positive
    stay_positive Community member Posts: 304 Empowering

    I hope it takes years , I am 60 in September and haven't worked since I was 25 due to agoraphobia , now with other health issues I wouldn't be any use to any employer .

  • lizptsd
    lizptsd Community member Posts: 86 Empowering

    The MP mentioned getting down the NHS waiting lists and better help for mental health in schools. This being a way to get the disabled and sick including those with mental health into work and back to work.

    Any guess how long that would take? Not to mention those with incurable chronic conditions that can't be cured and just managed.

    My MRI scans on my lumbar spine were sat on until intervention from my GP due to my incontinence and loss of feeling. Good luck with getting down the lists.

    I read that they wanted GPs and hospitals be available for evening and weekend appointments to help.

    I see strikes ahead by over stretched medical professionals if that went ahead.

  • michael57
    michael57 Community member Posts: 477 Pioneering

    ah charlie and william will save us with there offshore turbines and the next royal town they are planning have faith

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Community member Posts: 1,021 Empowering

    I recieved response from my MP I don't know how to show on here

  • Nightcity
    Nightcity Community member Posts: 112 Empowering
  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Community member Posts: 1,021 Empowering

    Ong I'm clueless sent it to scope email was all talk of people can try jobs without reassessment if doesn't work out and how they will work with employers unions to help disabled back into work hopefully albus will share I've emailed Stephen timms 3 times I best stop but i did directly say why mentioning work work what if you can't work what they think wave magic wand and all be so good and amazing

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Community member Posts: 1,021 Empowering

    A whole year of this roller coaster remember everyone saying don't worry tories won't get in labour will it will all be OK oh god got 3 month wait and I'm not holding my breath oh yh they want to change it alright

  • Nightcity
    Nightcity Community member Posts: 112 Empowering

    Sounds to me what the response is saying is basically the lines we all keep hearing regularly.

    I didn't vote labour myself because It's not the same labour I was a member of and I had a nasty feeling they'd keeo going on and on at us.

    Being able to try work and go back to how you are if it fails is great but ONLY if it's voluntary. It's vital those who aren't well enough are left alone.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Community member Posts: 1,021 Empowering

    They make it sound good on paper but reality is harsh barbarians at DWP it's the unknown and also I don't want to hear it as it makes it real then I think we have all lost hope cruel to drag out as I'm convinced they know exactly what's happening all preplanned I hope charities call them out

  • lizptsd
    lizptsd Community member Posts: 86 Empowering

    I agree and it's strange that the non disabled able bodied non sick economically inactive aren't getting a mention in the press again we are just being made scapegoats.

    I hope that untrained job centre work coaches are not involved in bullying the disabled into jobs like they did to my husband leading to a futile lengthy tribunal that found him LCWRA.

  • Nightcity
    Nightcity Community member Posts: 112 Empowering

    I'm confident they'll have a very hard time from charities,unions, disability laws, activists, health experts etc.

    They won't be able to just do what they like just because they have a majority. There's also many in the house of lords who have our backs and will make things awkward for the commons.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Community member Posts: 1,021 Empowering

    Ah that's great to hear I'm so clueless about it all thanks

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Community member Posts: 1,021 Empowering

    So stressful for you I'm going on to UC dreading but what can I do million of us I have emailed Stephen timms 3 times I get passionate and say everything I'm feeling thinking not the best at grammar I'm glad your husband got lwcra in the end as my dad says worrying won't add an extra year to your life day by day x

  • lizptsd
    lizptsd Community member Posts: 86 Empowering

    I think we just need to focus on looking after ourselves and not worry too much no matter how hard that seems. I just can't bear reading the heart wrenching posts of people thinking they will be out on the streets. I'm thinking hard about my response if any to our upbeat Labour MP.

    I fail to think it will make any difference.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Community member Posts: 1,021 Empowering

    This is true yes last year when sunak said sick note Britain I went down took me so much strenght to get back up the fear was terrifying but I'm still here I was on the streets bags packed in my head so day by day this group amazing

  • lizptsd
    lizptsd Community member Posts: 86 Empowering

    Good for you listen to the group that's what we are here for and have each others back. I cannot express the distain I have for the press for the extreme fear they are causing.

    It's terrifying for all of us but as it's been said we have so much support.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Community member Posts: 1,021 Empowering

    Honestly all through covid and other bad times I never engaged with news politics totally clueless started watching news last year and bam my daughter was so worried that I'd do something so it is literally the media feeding all of my MH issues and millions of us break free engage in thing we like instead of letting thier cruel manipulation techniques and have hope knowing as you said there's good people charities fighting our corner and we are warriors to live a life pain mental anguish day in day out let's dig deep and bring that strength back up x

  • lizptsd
    lizptsd Community member Posts: 86 Empowering

    It's hard living life day to day with the challenges we have but we are strong and we can do it and know we are not alone.

    I think we have to have trust that there is some compassion somewhere.

    The dreadful state of the economy should not be blamed on us!