Email from Labour MP



  • lizptsd
    lizptsd Online Community Member Posts: 166 Empowering

    I'm ok thank you for asking but very sore and my back is killing me I landed on my injured knee and ankle so I did it properly!

    Notified Council and they are chasing it plus the lovely lady from Adult Disability phoned them too.

    The locum Doctor wanted to discharge me from the falls clinic but I refused to let her. Plus despite my walking in with a stick supported by my husband her report said she saw me walk in independently without an aid so I accused her of being overworked as she had clearly mixed me up with another patient so she sent a corrected one.

    On it goes! Good one contacting MrTimms! Keep us updated if he ever gets back to you. It's summer recess and they are supposed to be catching up on letters around their trips to Med! I've not got back to Mr Bonavia yet but feel duty bound on behalf of us all to do so soon.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,855 Championing

    Ah yes thier good at making up lies I write straight from my mind so goodluck if they understand sure thier understand part where i said your feeding us to the lions putting us in the arena asked why we are so discriminated against said The government been doing that for years also said all good you keep using word work work work what about if you can't in an ideal world everybody could work but it's far from ideal so I said thier unrealistic halt the migration the job centre staff over worked under qualified for our needs what about people who can't go online say phone a number that a million other people phoning at same time I asked why they do this is it to keep us so low we have no fight left I said DWP are liers murders I said you all now the true facts of how many people who unlive themselves and the ones who survived your going after I said if Jeremy was leader it be so different from us and much more let's see what BS get back

  • lizptsd
    lizptsd Online Community Member Posts: 166 Empowering

    Well done you you really let him have it. They will probably pick up what they want like selective hearing!

    My main worry and what I want mine to know is the damage the press are doing to already vulnerable people giving them extreme anxiety and fearing they will be out on the streets or put to work when they can't.

    The other point is that of reviews for PIP if you have lifelong chronic and degenerative conditions. The reviews are stressful and if you get the wrong assessor you can lose your award or have it kept the same despite you needing extra help as your conditions get worse especially with age.

    If they want to reform PIP get assessors who actually have some knowledge of conditions or take the time to research a claimants condition so they have an idea of how they might be affected.

    That I suspect would be too expensive!

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,855 Championing

    I agree !! Yes last year I was feeding into all of media stories up all night couldn't sleep eat was horrific have to protect mental health at all times the world is going mad all over

  • lizptsd
    lizptsd Online Community Member Posts: 166 Empowering

    I'll probably get onto it over the weekend but I'm not looking forward to it 😔

    But it has to be done or they will not understand how negative or harsh Labour are coming across regarding the disabled community in the press.

    Not to mention the damage it is having to everyone's mental health.

  • kc1978
    kc1978 Online Community Member Posts: 88 Empowering

    Maybe we should stop sending millions in foreign aid to countries who have space programmes, or start charging tax to billionaires and companies who clever accountants mean they pay 0.

    I paid tax since 16. Disabled at 42. I hope with rehab one day to get into work again. But I been told at least 2 years for a inpatient specialist rehab bed, once waiting lists reopen. They are closed. Oh and if my CCG agree to fund as only 5 in UK non near me.

    Maybe if could get treatment more would be in work.

    Frustrating 😡

  • lizptsd
    lizptsd Online Community Member Posts: 166 Empowering

    I totally agree the problems are at home. That's awful about the wait for your rehab. I'm with you even at 63 I'd love to work from home so I can monitor my symptoms, my Husband and cope with the incontinence and falls but can't see where the jobs are.

    Your funding struggles too what a nightmare! We suspect I'm not a candidate for surgery on my back because of money.

    The Council today were sorry about my fall and would speed up the extra grab rails but we don't hold out much hope.


  • michael57
    michael57 Online Community Member Posts: 1,056 Championing

    ah well the royals hold the rights for 12 nautical miles for offshore energy so it will happen and wont be visible on a foggy day

  • Cantilip
    Cantilip Online Community Member Posts: 621 Empowering

    And please remember 'economically inactive' isn't aimed purely at disabled people.

    @Albus_Scope Albus, as I understand it, the following: the 'economically inactive' are those not looking for work in 4 main categories, early retirees, the disabled, carers of all kinds including simply parents of young children and students. Assuming those who retired early simply because they wanted to have sufficient dosh to do so and that may be true equally of what the Americans call 'stay-at-home moms', assuming parents are not to be dragged from their children and students are not to be dragged from their lectures, 56-year-old dragged from their gardens and thrown onto the production-line, that leaves the disabled as the only group over whom the DWP has serious leverage so it does look ass if we're targeted. When they've finished going on about the economically inactive, the disabled are only about 25% and there'd still be over 6 million of them if all disabled people worked.

  • lizptsd
    lizptsd Online Community Member Posts: 166 Empowering

    Quite right! It looks like it's going to backfire anyway as the pension credit claims will rise by those who didn't know they were eligible for it!

    We got our extra grab rails and loo lever last week that has made me feel safer. I don't think it would have happened unless I'd had that last fall and the Disability services officer getting involved.

  • Cantilip
    Cantilip Online Community Member Posts: 621 Empowering

    @Catherine21 and others re availability of jobs. I was talking to someone yesterday with her own small business on rocky ground. She's in an urban area and she'd love a part-time job to help make ends meet. She's a perfectly competent reliable skilled lady and there aren't any. I do tend to think a lot of what comes from politicians of all kinds just implodes on this. Yeah, sure, we'll get people to work - what work?

  • lizptsd
    lizptsd Online Community Member Posts: 166 Empowering

    My ex boss that dismissed me due to my disabilities had mentioned that I should medically retire on many occasions what does that even mean! At 63 and I tried to stay in a job despite my conditions I'm so fed up with fighting and need to concentrate on my health and that of my husband that I care for. The bickering and misinformation is draining and we all need some peace.

  • kc1978
    kc1978 Online Community Member Posts: 88 Empowering


    So firstly if they felt you should have medically retired, it's absolutely shocking they did not tell you process but instead dismissed you! Sounds like a company that not very caring.

    I took medical retirement at 45 this year. It allows you to access pensions - private only that you have paid into.

    However it also depends on the company your private pension is held with.

    Some like NEST , Royal London allow you to access your pension from 55 and therefore make you follow that process rather than the medical route.

    Probably worth discussing with pension wise which is a free advisory service, as any withdrawal will effect amounts you get. however at 63 I am not sure it would make massive difference, but check.

    medical Retirement does not allow you to access state pension.

    Also check as if on benefits any pension money you take may effect the amount of benefit you get. Again get advice.

    Having gone through very recently hope this helps.

  • GrantABC
    GrantABC Online Community Member Posts: 12 Listener

    I was able to drawn down a lump sum from my pension following medical retirement at 54, I had to provide medical evidence and have my GP fill out a form to assist the process, bear in mind they will tax the money at about 15%. I'm with People's Pension formerly B and CE( construction industry).

  • lizptsd
    lizptsd Online Community Member Posts: 166 Empowering

    I didn't have a pension and as NEST only approached him in recent years and I don't think he wanted me to take it up anyway so I opted out. So I am afraid I am one of the economically inactive disabled. To be quite honest I had been struggling to stay there anyway. He said I could no longer perform the role I was employed to do after 18 years. The bullying was awful.

  • kc1978
    kc1978 Online Community Member Posts: 88 Empowering

    I am sorry, but it one way it does seem that your better off.

    I hate the term economically inactive disabled, I have worked like many disabled people. In fact I have worked for 27 years of my adult life, although had different jobs since I was 13 and worked through college and university and paid taxes and national insurance where I hadto, I also for part of my career paid 40% tax on a good portion. I never once begrudged it. My dad used to say if you earn a good enough salary that you have to, then pay it, and be thankful you got there.

    I only became disabled in the last 3-4 years. So I think I was helping those that needed help, I now feel while I am currently unable to work, I'm getting help. I hope one day , I'll get to contribute again. But like you. I'm focusing on trying to get the right help and support. I also the way thing going think I need to be 68 before I can claim my state pension, who knows what the future holds so maybe that money I paid in NI contributions won't be used

    I am sure many employers would not want people in a pension as they have to pay into it. That's why it is mandatory to join, and you have to opt out. They are not supposed to promote that, andi think now everyone needs to save into a pension. I look back and wish I had but when your young ,it's like why pay. I started late but glad I did it helped give time to sort things.

    I think there had been lots misinformation spread In papers and on social media about disabled people and it's been done to turn public opinion, and those with genuine health issues are being painted as lazy, unwilling to work.

    Well that's my feeling and experienced.

  • lizptsd
    lizptsd Online Community Member Posts: 166 Empowering

    You're right and this kind of targeting is really disrespectful to us all. It's a challenge everyday just dealing with with symptoms, pain and limitations together with the extra expenses. My former employer said that my being there was impeding the smooth running of his business.

    I did try and cope but as he had no regard for the 18 years I'd worked there and never wanted to make any adjustments to cater for my worsening conditions it was a foregone conclusion he was going to dismiss me.

    He took the nearest parking space for himself and suggested that he purchased a parking permit for a nearby car park and deduct it from my wages each month which is totally illegal. The man hadn't got a clue!

    So he's obviously never going to employ a disabled person again.

  • kc1978
    kc1978 Online Community Member Posts: 88 Empowering

    I had similar premium spaces were for directors, parking bays for disabled were not easily accessible.

    Disabled toilet was used by anyone who had any form of disability, non of them had mobility issues, and liked the larger space and obviously no "neighbours". However I was not able to access any other facilities. On several occasions leading to incontinence.

    Despite have specialist equipment at home following a DSE , I was changed from home working to hybrid. I was working on desks and computers at the wrong height, my wheelchair did not fit under. Non of the doors were automatic.

    I was commuting 6 3 there 3 hours home and still expected to work until and attend meetings till 4-5pm. Most journeys were longer and increased pain. They did not put days together meaning I could not organise care support.

    It took 4 months to order the equipment and it hadn't arrived when I finished after further 3 months.

    To be honest I hadn't come to terms with my disability, life changes as afraid that if lost job, was going to lose home, and that I would struggle to be re-employed as in 3 years my physical and mental health has declined.

    It's been hard as I have lost friends who struggled to see me, and who could no longer share our social activities. I also struggled with confidence, fear, anger, resentment.

    Accessing help is a mind field especially DFG, ChC, social care. Have been useless so far

    Thankfully I have my mum and brother who without I would not be here.

    Like you each day is a battle with pain, falls, and multiple problems, so I try to just get through the days.

    I think employers sometimes are just fools, I had one say , why should you get any special treatment. I don't.

    Trying to state that reasonable adjustments and access to a toilet are not special treatments but law and human rights, was lost on her. Sometimes you think you had a good employer until you reflect and review with others. Sometimes you don't see the problem, ignore it, or things are done that you were not aware of, and when left people would then tell you. Obviously at the time they were afraid of consequences.

    I think the next few years are going to be very interesting and I already am not sure that Labour have the right intentions about protecting and supporting disabled individuals. I hope I am wrong