getting daily living component of pip while in supported housing?

mika94 Community member Posts: 17 Connected
edited August 5 in PIP, DLA, and AA

hello im currently in temp accommodation

and get daily living of pip and mobility i saw someone say if you have not

been sectioned under section 3 you will lose your daily living component of pip

once you move into supported housing ive been under a section 3 but im not sure

if i will still recieve all my pip any help is appreciated


  • Rachel_Scope
    Rachel_Scope Posts: 975 Online Community Coordinator

    Hi @mika94. I'm not sure about a section 3 and how it affects PIP. I'm sure there'll be someone here who can help you with this.

    I've just moved your post to our PIP category where more people will see it.

  • rubin16
    rubin16 Community member, Scope Member Posts: 829 Championing

    Hi, I live in supported accomodation at the moment, and have mental health issues and been placed on a section 3 before. I believe if you are placed on a section 3 you get more access to support and funding for support to keep you well. As such your support when in supported accomodation is funded for you. If you havn't ever been on a section 3 then only some funding is in place and you will be required to pay for your support through your PIP money and will be billed for it.

    Since you have said you have been on a Section 3 before your support will be funded for you, and you shouldn't need to pay anything out of your PIP. I have lived in supported accomodation for nearly 3 years and have a support worker, STR worker, Social Worker and a Care Co-ordinator and have never had to pay for these support with my PIP.

    Hope this helps.

  • mika94
    mika94 Community member Posts: 17 Connected

    thank you rubin i thought that was the case just needed to ask to be 100% sure