My first guy didn't seem to be attracted to me, but I was attracted to a new guy I met there .

Katiedimelow20 Posts: 144 Connected
edited August 2024 in Relationships

How is it that I met one guy who talked about his ex-girlfriend who was his best friend that turned me off from the same guy, and now I'm meeting new guys at the same social events in the city? My own experience of going out more in real life and how to see how it was compared to online dating. I go to a social event on the first Thursday of every month. It wasn't successful as at first I just met some guys that I only saw as friends. I did meet one guy that turned me off and wasn't attracted to one guy that did talk about his ex-girlfriend was his best friend. I kept going to same events that same one guy seemed to like me when I didn't find him attracted at all. I met a new from same events in the city and did talk to each I was showing off my new google pixel watch 2 after getting his phone number/cell number and did give out my phone number/cell number. I'm doing okay. did talk on the phone at one as well on a different day.


  • Nikkita
    Nikkita Online Community Member Posts: 37 Connected

    I worked part time in my uncle's small nightclub. It was 2 days before Christmas, I think it must have been an early closing night as I was going out with friends for a meal at a Greek restaurant afterwards.

    I had decided that in the new year I would settle down, Bill walked in, I'd never seen him before but my friend who worked behind the bar with me said that she liked him as he was a good guy.

    He was 6'2" tall, dark haired, good body, and the kindest blue eyes.

    He asked for a pint and hung around the bar, chatting to me when I wasn't busy.

    He was very shy for a guy with so much going for him. So it was me that asked him for a dance. It was me that said he could take me out on the 28th as it was my Birthday.

    We didn't have cell phones way back then. So I gave him my address.

    He actually turned up in a beaten up old Sunbeam Rapier. I was used to Daimlers and expensive sport cars, it didn't matter to me. We had a nice night out just having a drink and a chat. He asked me if I'd like to see him again, yes of course I did.

    Our first date was December 28th, we were engaged on March 28th and married on June 28th.

    We've been married for over 50 years now.

    It was only recently that he told me that at the very first sight of me, he had a strange feeling and asked himself is that what love feels like.

    It took me a good month or 2 to be certain that I loved him.

    Everybody deserves to love and be loved. It at first you don't succeed, keep trying.


  • Katiedimelow20
    Katiedimelow20 Posts: 144 Connected

    @Nikkita i wasn’t interested men that are over 6ft and prefer men to be on similar height for me or on bit shorter sides .

  • Nikkita
    Nikkita Online Community Member Posts: 37 Connected


    I'm 5'7" and wore high heels back then. I always liked men who were taller than me as they made me feel safe. I used to have sudden panic attacks and was prescribed diazepam by my GP. I once told my husband it was like falling when a panic started. He answered me by saying "whose arms are around you?" I said "yours" He then said "do I have strong arms" I replied "yes". Then he said "do you think my arms would ever let you fall? as he pulled me closer to him, his arms around me.

    I said "No" I knew that no matter how bad a panic attack I might have, he would never let me fall.

  • Katiedimelow20
    Katiedimelow20 Posts: 144 Connected

    @Nikkita but i got very much scared of tall men even if did talk to some of them but never been attracted to any tall men at all .

  • Nikkita
    Nikkita Online Community Member Posts: 37 Connected
    edited August 2024


    No man ever made me feel scared. My first husband started to beat me up. I fell back onto his art and craft table. I found that my hand was on what felt like a heavy object, so I held it up and threatened him. He went to punch me again and missed. The heavy object in my hand was a craft knife [Removed by moderator - Graphic content] The police attended at the hospital. After all, I had stabbed my husband. I explained what had happened, he confirmed it so I was never charged with anything. He was my height. He eventually killed himself, I was told that he was schizophrenic. From a wonderful young man, he turned into a death machine, I was lucky to have left him before he killed me too.