Ni505 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener

Hi all,

I hope you are well?? X

I will try keep this as short but it possibly may not be.

I experienced DV and had my jaw broken which left me with metal plates and screws both sides in my jaw for life. I fled from that property and sofa surfed. I had regular overnight care at that address but my ex scared both carers away and so I was really isolated.

I approached a council and they said they will give me a update soon on if I will get main duty housing (most likely) from what I was told.

They said I’m only eligible for a studio flat,and I explain it’s unfair as my flat I fled from is a one bedroom. I explained I recieve overnight care and that I have mobility aids. They sent all my info to their OT team for reassessment and they said they can see I have enduring medical conditions but they don’t see my I have overnight care. I have been referred for a sleep study for sleep apnea, I’ve been referred to a rhuematologist for overall body joint pain, I’ve been referred to gynaecology to book in a laproscopy to see what stage endo I have, I have been referred to the respiratory department for COPD and to the podiatrist for toe surgery that’s affecting my balance and coordination and plantar facitis. I’ve also been reffered to the wheelchair service for a wheelchair. I have carpal tunnel syndrome, my legs go numb from my waist down so I tend to fall a lot, I get regular joint and tissue pain, my feet burns in the night and they think I possibly have something called peripheral neuropathy, I suffer with brain fog so I forget things a lot and end up leaving things on or forgetting appointments, forgetting where I put stuff. There’s much more but I’m trying not to hurt your brains here. My mum is now my carer and gets carers allowance for me. Her, my dad and my friend take turns looking after to me 5-6nights a week. They said the referrals mean nothing. I think it’s so unfair, I’ve asked for a reassessment 10days ago now and haven’t heard anything back. I’m on anti depressants and anxiety meds too, the maximum dosages and sleeping tablets to try help me to sleep. I showed them online and their own policy where it states if you have a non resident carer you are entitled to a extra bedroom but they have said no. They asked me to get my mum to contact to DWP so they can prove my mums my carer and DWP said no they can only provide a entilment letter which they aren’t accepting. I’m 29 years old no kids, I’m going to be 30 this year. For about 10 years I’ve been going through all these things but due to the DV I was restricted and these are what have caused my conditions to worsen. Also the GP said they can only do one thing at a time which is right and understandable. Any advice please? I’m so stressed out, tired and drained as it is.

I was told to try the MP but what can they really do?

many thanks. (Sorry for long post)



  • Ni505
    Ni505 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener

    sorry also I’m 1hr 54mins away from the council borough. I am in emergency temp but in a one bedroom ground floor. I have to keep travelling to the borough for my appointments which are very regular. I’m travelling 1hr54 there and 1hr54 back each time. The referal services in the area I am in are 14minimum week wait due to demand and backlogs. I am in receipt of PIP too enhanced rate. My support networks are 2hr 20-30mins from me and they travel daily to help. I spoke to adult social care down by me and they said they can do care needs assessment but they don’t provide overnight care but that’s mainly when my pain and problems start.

  • Rachel_Scope
    Rachel_Scope Posts: 1,651 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Hi @Ni505, welcome to the community.

    It sounds like you have been through so much, I'm sorry you're having to deal with all of this stress. Just so I'm understanding correctly, are you hoping for a one-bedroom flat and overnight care from the council?