UC Claim review phone call

unclebob Community member Posts: 141 Contributor

I we have our UC Claim review phone call tomorrow and just wanted to know if they take PIP payments into account or not.


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing

    No, PIP isn’t treated as income for UC or any other benefits.

  • Jimm_Scope
    Jimm_Scope Posts: 4,297 Online Community Specialist

    Hey @unclebob, as Poppy mentioned PIP is not counted as income for Universal Credit 🙂

  • unclebob
    unclebob Community member Posts: 141 Contributor

    Thanks Poppy So when you have to tell them about money, savings, and investments, do you have to include that if it's in your bank account ? and not been spent

  • Biblioklept
    Biblioklept Community member Posts: 5,217 Championing

    If you've saved up your pip yeah you do. If you still have it in your account at the end of your assessment period you need to tell them about it, it can be counted as savings or capital @unclebob ❤️

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing

    That wasn't what you previously asked, which was what my advice was related to in my previous comment.

    Any money not spent at the end of the following assessment period becomes capital/savings. Less than £6,000 is ignored. There's a deduction for capital between £6,000 and £16,000. Over £16,000 and all means tested benefits end.

  • unclebob
    unclebob Community member Posts: 141 Contributor

    yes I know what I said it was just another question. Looks like it’s going to stop then.

  • unclebob
    unclebob Community member Posts: 141 Contributor

    I know this now bit was not aware before they got on touch looks like it will all stop now

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing

    Do you have more than £16,000 capital/savings? If you received any of the cost of living payments they are disregarded.

  • unclebob
    unclebob Community member Posts: 141 Contributor

    Yes i had cost of living, not sure how much and yes, I had more then 16,000, but not anymore They told me i needed to spend some so i did now I have about 11,000 and only keep a few £100 in my business account.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing

    When you had more than £16,000 there would have been no entitlement to UC if you were claiming it at that time. Who told you that you needed to spend some of your capital?

    I'm sure I remember advising on this in a previous thread. Didn't you have a review of your claim recently? and you have another review phone call tomorrow?

  • unclebob
    unclebob Community member Posts: 141 Contributor
    edited August 15

    Yes this is the same review. I sent all the documents and have been waiting all this time for the phone call. i never knew I was not entitled if you had that much. The person who is doing my review said I need to spend some.

    £16,000 is not much if you just had that to live on forever.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing
    edited August 16

    It wouldn't be forever because once it dropped below £16,000 then you would reclaim UC but there would be a deduction of £4.35/month for every £250 or part thereof over £6,000.

    Your UC should have stopped when your capital went over £16,000. Depending on when it went over this may have affected entitlement to the cost of living payments and you may not have been entitled to them.

    It's very odd why the person doing the review advised you to spend some of savings and your UC just continued. They may now question what you spent the money on.

    Any overpayment will need to be repaid back and there may also be a small fine of £50 on top for not reporting the changes.

  • unclebob
    unclebob Community member Posts: 141 Contributor
    edited August 16

    Hi PoppyI would think i will have to pay thousands back but i really never knew about all this. and i was told money in my business account did not count by someone at the job centre

    Also, I have less than £16,000. Now I spend on a car, a motorcycle, and other stuff for the house. Why will they question what it went on i thought it was nothing to do with them.

    Also my claim has not been stopped even now and all this started in April

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing

    Capital of less than £6,000 is ignored and you can spend that on anything you want to. When you have capital over the limit then it gets more complicated and they will check exactly what you spent it on. It will then be down to a decision maker to make the final decision.

    When you realised that you should have reported the changes, did you actually report the changes at the point? I remember advising you on this and I thought you had gone ahead and reported the changes. I'm assuming you didn't because if you had then your UC would have ended.

  • unclebob
    unclebob Community member Posts: 141 Contributor

    No, I never it was not long after that they got in touch