Wheelchair service

barnowl Community member Posts: 6 Contributor
edited August 21 in Everyday life

Hi we are having major problems with our daughter's wheelchair provider AJM, from the service to wheelchair build. The back support is a seat cover I put memory foam in, wood to raise her foot plates as they are to low and door stops to help support her foot. Had the chair since march this year, been waiting on parts for over five weeks and took nearly 12 months to actually get her chair.Has anyone else had problems with them


  • Rachel_Scope
    Rachel_Scope Posts: 1,059 Online Community Coordinator

    Hi @barnowl. Sorry you've been having issues with your daughter's wheelchair provider. Has everything been resolved for you now?

  • barnowl
    barnowl Community member Posts: 6 Contributor

    Hi thanks for commenting, no very much in the same position. Spent the the last few days making calls, we are keeping Hollie home from her day service until we can get a wheelchair sorted for which will be safe for you use.

  • Rachel_Scope
    Rachel_Scope Posts: 1,059 Online Community Coordinator

    I'm sorry you're still having difficulties. Have you raised a complaint with AJM?

  • barnowl
    barnowl Community member Posts: 6 Contributor

    Yes covered a-z with complaints

  • Rachel_Scope
    Rachel_Scope Posts: 1,059 Online Community Coordinator

    I'm guessing that nothing has come of them? I'm sorry they're not helping you. Let us know if you get anywhere with it. Got my fingers crossed for you.

  • WheelchairCrisis
    WheelchairCrisis Community member Posts: 4 Listener

    Hi @barnowl We're been in a very similar situation with my brothers wheelchair. He has a powerchair and have been trying to get it fixed and replaced since before lockdown. It's been a huge battle and we still don't have the chair yet and his current chair is entirely unsafe and also causing him physical harm. I work in TV and radio and am part of 2 production companies and am currently working on gathering stories and data about the problems people are having with AJM and NHS wheelchair providers so I can convince broadcasters that they need to commission an investigative documentary from us about it. I'd love to chat with you about you and your daughters experiences.

  • barnowl
    barnowl Community member Posts: 6 Contributor

    Hi yes that would be great like you were need help in getting our daughter wheelchair sorted out it's been 18 months near on