Lcwra confusion again.

jordonlee96 Online Community Member Posts: 10 Listener

I asked about payments and back pay, they didn’t confirm whether I’d get back pay or not but this is the message I got. So do they pay you for the three months?

It states I was awarded it back in April and I’m going to receive my my first lwrca this week, but they haven’t sent an automatic statement they said the case manager has to calculate and send statement and payment manually but I’m confused cause why isn’t it just automatic like it previously was. Does any one have an insight on this i usually receive a statement on the 17/18 every month although it technically meant to be the 19th.

I did ring to confirm I would get paid and they said I’d definitely get paid 792.00 which is with the 16 quid reduction due to a budgeting loan. I’m just confused lmao


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    You are not owed any LCWRA element because it's not paid at all during the waiting period, which is 3 full assessment periods. The extra money is then paid from the 4th month after you provided your first fit note, with first payment being the end of that month. Which for you is this month.

    I did advise in your other thread that no money was owed. Your statements do not need to be recalculated because no money is owed. See thread here.

  • Jimm_Alumni
    Jimm_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,717 Championing

    Hey @jordonlee96, as Poppy says the way LCWRA works you don't get any extra money until the 4th month and onwards. So there's no backpay owed unfortunately. I hope that's helped clear things up, but if you do have other questions please do ask 🙂

  • jordonlee96
    jordonlee96 Online Community Member Posts: 10 Listener

    I was aware it was unlikely I was getting back pay but my main confusion was why is my statement not in my journal when it’s suppose to be by now. Not only that when I called UC the person I spoke to said it had to be manually calculated and manually issued so my confusion came from why was my statement not automatic like usual? Sorry if I wasn’t clear on my post.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    I have no idea why it needs to be done manually. Hopefully, it will be there in the next couple of days. If it isn't then put a message onto your journal under service issues and ask them.

    Please also note that ringing the helpline isn't the best idea because they can't really help, other than to put a message onto your journal, which you can do yourself.