Hi, my name is bonnie24!

bonnie24 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
edited August 2024 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA

Hi I wanted to ask, my son who's 20 and working as moved back in with me. I am on high rate pip living part I was wondering if I would have to pay rent or council tax or anything else. I am a single parent no carer


  • Rachel_Scope
    Rachel_Scope Posts: 1,651 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    HI @bonnie24 and welcome to the community.

    I'm going to pop your question in our PIP category where there'll be more people to help you.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,045 Championing

    There will be no non dependent deductions from your housing benefit or housing element of Universal Credit, regardless of which one you're claiming.

    For council tax if you were receiving the 25% single person discount and your son is not a student then you will lose that.

    Are you claiming any other benefits such as Income Related ESA/JSA or Income Support? If you are and it includes the Severe disability Premium then you will lose that. Unless your son is either registered blind or claiming a qualifying disability benefit himself, such as PIP daily living or DLA mid/high rate care.

  • bonnie24
    bonnie24 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener

    I get new style esa on uc and pip. So basically I will lose the council tax which I don't pay anything so I will have to pay full ct and lose esa. Why would I lose esa cos that's to do with my claim. My son works I know I was told he would have to pay non dependent payment but its what else and what I lose. He be better off getting a flat

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,045 Championing

    You will only lose the single person discount for council tax. I didn't advise that you would lose your ESA. I advised about the Severe disability Premium.

    However, if you're claiming New style ESA and Universal Credit then the SDP doesn't exist in either of those so you won't be claiming it anyway.

    As you're claiming UC and help with the rent through that because your PIP includes the daily living part there will be no non dependant deductions even though he works.

    You still need to report the changes to UC if he moves back in with you and there maybe entitlement to more housing element, if there's a shortfall in your rent.