Decision letter

viking1978 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener

Hi all

Got a text saying the decision has been made on Friday 16 August and the usual do not contact them. I live in Northern ireland and am unsure how to find out the way others do in mainland by using the automated line. Don't think it can be done over here.

This was a change of circumstances after being in receipt of pip for the last year. I did have low rate mobility with 10 points and felt I should of got more as certain questions were not asked by acessor. Tried an MR in Dec 2023 for that to fail also. Under good advice from councillor I was told to change of circumstances in may. Had telephone interview 23 July and this time asked for it to be recorded. Phoned back two days later and got report posted out.

ReReport Gives me 15 daily living and now 20 mobility. Just waiting on decision letter and am wrecked with anxiety over it all. Has anyone received a quick letter after text and if I am successful does back pay go in to bank a few days after text , or the usual payment date ?

Any advice would be appreciated. This not knowing is making me sick with worry.

Thanks in advance


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,045 Championing

    Even though it advises you not to ring them, you can ring them. As you reported changes to your health condition if any new award is higher then you'll be owed money from the date you reported changes.

    In England and Wales they don't always pay what is owed first, sometimes this is paid at a later date. You can either ask them if you ring or wait for the decision letter, which can take up to 2 weeks, if it's the same over there.

  • viking1978
    viking1978 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener


    Thanks for the advice Poppy. Just off the phone. Enhanced on both and backpayment landing in the bank on Friday. Letter on its way out. And award is to August 2027.

  • Rachel_Scope
    Rachel_Scope Posts: 1,651 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    That's great news @viking1978! So pleased you've been awarded 😊

  • W348
    W348 Online Community Member Posts: 119 Contributor

    I just wanted to come back after giving the decision letter another once over.

    Daily living I got 19 points. Mobility I got 10 points.

    Letter mentions my award is until Aug 2027. However letter also mentions they may contact me after Aug 2026.

    I think the award itself is correct but there are a few areas of points awarded that I disagree with, and do not properly take into account my form answer. Most of it is as expected. If the award itself is correct, there seems that there's no benefit in highlighting these points that I disagree with.

    Are the points worth bringing up and writing into them about this?

    If I were to write in about those points is it possible to request if they could extend my award date? So that it can be like ESA where they no longer seem to contact me.

    I know we discussed SDP recently @poppy123456, I'm not sure if the missed phone calls the other day were about that, or maybe it was just to inform me of the PIP decision. I knew by text already.

    Is SDP something I should be considering if eligible for this? Might that require a possible assessment? Would applying for SDP send any red flags about my ESA? I wouldn't want to do anything that might trigger them to initiate a review process.

    I think that's all my additional queries covered. Thankyou again for all the guidance.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,045 Championing

    @W348 for your PIP award and the daily living part there's no point in challenging that because regardless of where you scored those points you can't have a higher award than Enhanced anyway.

    For the mobility part then it will depend where exactly you scored those points, was it moving around or following and planning a journey? and which descriptor?

    You can challenge the length of the award but you must make sure you tell them that you're happy with the award itself and do not wish to challenge that. The most likely outcome anyway will be the decision doesn't change. If this happens you can proceed to Tribunal, where there's much higher chance of success.

    For the SDP then please see your other thread where advice is being given.