If I Had A Time Machine

Rachel_Scope Posts: 1,651 Scope Online Community Coordinator

Imagine the time machine has finally been invented. Without having to worry about altering our timeline which time period would you visit and why?


  • BrianMcFaddenfan24
    BrianMcFaddenfan24 Online Community Member Posts: 58 Contributor

    I would visit spring 2003 and help the 20 year old me to stop us from having our lil girl forcibly adopted.

    My daughter is 22 next month.

    I would also go back to when my eldest niece was 4 years old and make sure that my youngest sister's ex-gf stayed away from her like she was told to by the police and S.S as my eldest niece would now be living with her mum, lil sister and seeing their youngest sister and brother when their mum brought them round or when they go to visit them.

    I would say I would go back and stop myself from meeting my daughter's sperm donor, but I changed my mind as I don't want my daughter to be different.

    Although I would have liked to have met my fiancé when I was pregnant with my daughter then I have put his name on her birth certificate as the part of her real birth certificate where it says father is blank.

    They are the only parts of my history I would change.

    I would also like to visit March 2019 and make my daddy be ok and 1992 and make sure that my nanna is ok too.

    I miss my nanna, daddy, daughter and eldest niece.

    I remember one time when my eldest niece was about 2 or 3 years old, my youngest sister, her mum, rang me and said that my eldest niece, Lois had given her (my youngest sister), her phone and had said to her", mummy ring an TJ (me) amd tell her come back." I can't remember what my youngest sister said what her (my youngest sister) response was now.

  • Rachel_Scope
    Rachel_Scope Posts: 1,651 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Hi @BrianMcFaddenfan24 it sounds like you have some important moments you'd want to change. I wish we were able to go back and do things differently. Although your past was full of difficulties, you have come through it 😊

  • Jimm_Scope
    Jimm_Scope Posts: 5,537 Scope Online Community Specialist

    That's a really thoughtful and wonderful post @BrianMcFaddenfan24. It's clear how much you care about these things that have happened.

    I'm not sure I have something that can match that in meaning so I think I'll go a bit more silly perhaps? I'd love to go back in time to the late 1300s and meet the characters of the Canterbury Tales. I think they were probably fictional but I like to think they were all real people back then 😋

  • Richard_Scope
    Richard_Scope Posts: 3,699 Cerebral Palsy Network

    I could go back and see how they actually built the pyramids in Giza.

  • Rachel_Scope
    Rachel_Scope Posts: 1,651 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    @Jimm_Scope I'd love to see how they lived back then, although as a woman I wouldn't be treated very well!

    @Richard_Scope you could finally answer the age-old question!

    I'm still not sure when I would visit. There are so many options