Does the lack of a PIP Portal show DWP has failed to comply with the PSED?

DmRitchie Online Community Member Posts: 40 Contributor

As we are seeing stories about DWP reviewing PIP claims, it occurred to me that I can't remember what points I got in what element (award at start of tribunal when DWP PO re-assessed my claim). While I can find every other piece of correspondence I can't find the award notice (assuming it shows the break down).

A quick google took me to the page Managing an existing benefit, payment, or claim. While you can manage your UC, Childcare, and Help to Save, there is no option for PIP.

In fact the only way to check on PIP is by telephone. For which I need to use a third party (Relay UK), which should not be the case.

Given that in May this was in a news item on the European Human Rights Commission Website:

"EHRC will also be assessing whether the Secretary of State has failed to comply with Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) obligations. These obligations require public sector bodies such as the DWP to consider equality and prevent discrimination in their day-to-day operations. "

I believe DWP has failed to comply with the PSED (yes I accept there will be more ways than just this). At the very least it would be interesting to see the Equality Impact Assessments around the processes and policies relating to PIP (which are a requirement of the PSED). It is also possible that this failure breaches the Equality Act 2010.

Perhaps it's time to write my MP and ask why DWP is allowed to continue to fail to comply with the PSED.



  • Rachel_Scope
    Rachel_Scope Posts: 1,651 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Hi @DmRitchie. You raise a great point. I read my PIP letter when it arrived months ago and I didn't really take in the information, I was just happy I'd been awarded! Luckily I managed to find my letter again the other day to check when my award will end. I hadn't even considered how I would get that info without the letter. I think it's a great idea to write to your MP as they are not considering the different ways in which people are able to access information.

    Let us know how you get on.