Help with Capita and PIP



  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 7,000 Online Community Coordinator

    I'd not worry at all @jamesG93 there's a lot of us ADHDers about. 😊

  • jamesG93
    jamesG93 Community member Posts: 25 Connected

    Good afternoon, I've had some good news capita never let pip know mine was kept in audit kinda shocking really anyway I spoke to case manager/decision maker he said mine should have been pulled long ago as it was an easy award, obviously I'm in tears as he gave the good news that I've been awarded it and for a lengthy amount of time. Glad stuffs been noticed this time and very grateful very relieved.

    Thank you everyone who was helped & to anyone else going for there's I hope it's the same for you I really do.

  • Robbo76
    Robbo76 Community member Posts: 9 Listener

    Brilliant! So pleased for you

  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 7,000 Online Community Coordinator

    Oh that is absolutely brilliant news @jamesG93 congratulations! Now go have a rest and put the kettle on, you deserve it. 😁

  • jamesG93
    jamesG93 Community member Posts: 25 Connected

    Thankyou all πŸ‘πŸ€—.

  • lesleys1963
    lesleys1963 Community member Posts: 13 Listener

    I really feel for you & wish i had advice to give , i am waiting for a review myself as sent back my forms last october, .. I have no help whatsoever

  • lesleys1963
    lesleys1963 Community member Posts: 13 Listener

    still waiting on mine i sent paperwork back last october will i get a phone call regards assessor

  • lesleys1963
    lesleys1963 Community member Posts: 13 Listener

  • jamesG93
    jamesG93 Community member Posts: 25 Connected

    I did find out today that I have been awarded pip I've not had to go through a review or anything as it's my first time getting pip, the moderators on here are really helpful but I can say is my sister helped out alot if that's what you mean with the whole application she was also there on the phone call.

  • lesleys1963
    lesleys1963 Community member Posts: 13 Listener

    excellent however this must of been your first claim ??

  • jamesG93
    jamesG93 Community member Posts: 25 Connected

    Yes it is my first successful claim for pip I've been denied it twice before.

  • lesleys1963
    lesleys1963 Community member Posts: 13 Listener

    I am so pleased for you ..