UC migration questions please

Skysummer Online Community Member Posts: 36 Contributor

Migration to UC from IR ESA SG

May I ask a few questions please

If you are in the support group do you need to go to the job centre at all, or can it all including opening your claim, be done on line?

Do you need to provide a fit note, as I haven’t had one for years, ESA have just left me alone? I have read something about reg 19.

I believe I wouldn’t have to have an assessment, but UC can request one at any stage once you are claiming?

The process is easier if in the support group, as most things just get transferred over?

You get Transitional protection if you were getting more on ESA then you will on UC?

Can someone kindly point me in the right direction for a benefits calculator, as I have heard some don’t add the transitional protection, so you dont get a true calculation?

Thank you in advance


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing

    That's a lot of questions..

    1/ You will be expected to attend your first appointment when you claim. If you can't attend you can ask for a reasonable adjustment for a telephone call.

    2/ You do not need to provided a fit note but they will ask for one as part of the claims process. You just need to either ignore it or tell them it's not needed because you're in the Support Group. You will be entitled to the LCWRA element from the start of your claim. It will take a few weeks for your details to pass from ESA.

    3/ You won't need another assessment when you migrate but you maybe referred for another in the future, the same as it is for ESA.

    4/ Not sure what you mean by that question.

    5/ Yes, when you migrate across if your UC is less than your ESA you'll be entitled to TP. This will erode over time so if other elements increase or you become entitled to other elements the TP will decrease until such a time it erodes completely.

    6/ can't help with that one, sorry.

  • Jimm_Alumni
    Jimm_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,717 Championing

    Hi @Skysummer, I hope Poppy has helped answer some of your questions! The migration can be full of a lot of unknowns so I understand it can be pretty stressful.

    Regarding benefits calculators, the one I most commonly use is the one at Turn2us Benefits Calculator. I've never experienced UC migration, so I don't actually remember if it includes transitional protection or not, but it's the main benefits calculator I know of.

    How are you feeling about the whole migration process?

    Do keep asking any other questions you have!