What's the best way to fill out the waiting for treatments part of the pip review form?

System Posts: 184 Online Community Programme Lead
This discussion was created from comments split from: Help filling renewal pip form in.


  • tina1148
    tina1148 Online Community Member Posts: 22 Connected

    has anyone advice e about the waiting for treatments etc part of the pip review form. I just have the same treatments as last time. I don't want to fill it in as if there has been a change but then I dont want to put nothing

  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 4,753 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Hi @tina1148, I've popped your question into it's own discussion as the one where it was originally posted hasn't been active since 2018. I hope that's okay! Sometimes it's not easy to see the dates on the posts so it's not a problem, but hopefully you'll get some more replies this way 😊

    From what I've seen, many members say they found it was better to fill in their PIP reviews as if they were a new claim, listing all the relevant information just in case. Hopefully someone who has been through it recently will be along soon to offer their thoughts. Hope you can get it all sorted soon!

  • Needhelpandadvice
    Needhelpandadvice Posts: 80 Empowering

    I just had my PIP review forms, it was as bad as filling it out for the first time. As Rosie has said, you really need to treat it as a new claim, which really is a pain.

    The form that they send does not have enough room, so mine was typed and printed and then on the official form, I said refer to the additional information.

    Include what medication and treatments you are currently having, also add if you are waiting on future treatment, but I am not sure if they will take that into account as it is not current treatment which is more what they are interested in, but it is worth writing it down.

    If you have a local Citizens Advice Bureau, ask to speak to a welfare specialist.

    Do as much as you can, so write down as much as you can on sheets of paper, and if you can have it printed out the CAB might do that for you.

    Keep as much information as you can, so if you need to refer to it in ten years time, you have the paperwork there.

    However, the dark side, be prepared for a fight, be prepared for another medical interrogation, do not automatically think that they are going to renew your PIP it is a worry, but sadly once that form has gone back, there is nothing we can do apart from wait.

    It is better to include far too much information, than not enough, it is better for them to have more than enough information the first time, rather than having to do a mandatory reconsideration and then include more paperwork.

    Also look for the PIP guidelines which I think that Rosie has said about, so as an example

    Mobility - I cannot walk 50 metres because I have no legs etc etc

    It is better to send the proper information, rather than the wrong information. The wrong information, they can zero point you, the descriptors if they match then they have to score you.

    If they still zero point you, then mandatory reconsideration and at worse a tribunal.

    However, look at the dark side, expect them to zero point you, if they do you are not disappointed because you was expecting a fight and the worse to happen, if you think positive and look at things through rose tinted glasses and the worse happens, it will devastate you more than it would if you are looking on the darker side of things.

    Oh and make sure you send the forms back recorded delivery, I done mine next day signed which costs money, but that is what PIP payments are for, plus it gives you satisfaction knowing that it was been received and them saying not received. Once again, scan, print, record and store, that way you always have documentation of what you have sent, when you have sent, even years down the line at the next review.

    Hope this helps