
Wibbles Online Community Member Posts: 2,397 Championing
edited August 2024 in Coffee lounge

That awful person has been using music from the best group ever to exist (ABBA) without permission at his rallys

What do you think Abba should do about this illegal action?

Demand loads of "Money, Money, Money"


  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,974 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Haha, as long as the court action between them doesn't turn into the battle of Waterloo. 😉

  • Needhelpandadvice
    Needhelpandadvice Posts: 80 Empowering

    @Albus_Scope I am a bit confused here, so it is not ok for us to talk about politics in the forum, but ok for the coffee lounge?

    Also ok for Scope to joke about a politician? Oh is that because it is Trump?

    If I set up a topic about Labour, Conservatives or Kamala Harris, would that be allowed?

    I dare say not, sorry for nit picking, but rules are meant to be followed regardless of whom you want to vote for, even though Trump is nothing to do with UK politics. Yet if we moan about our own Government and changes that is a no no?

    Sorry for nit picking, but I am bored and too stressed out to try and watch TV.

  • Needhelpandadvice
    Needhelpandadvice Posts: 80 Empowering

    @Biblioklept I might not like jokes and people being happy, I might not like ABBA or Swedish people. I might not like 70's pop music.

    No one is thinking about my feelings?

    I might actually like Trump as well, which I do, but the principal is the same.

    I still hate happy people though.

  • Needhelpandadvice
    Needhelpandadvice Posts: 80 Empowering

    @Biblioklept @stay_positive

    I have included you both, but my comment is towards Bibi, my apologies if I did not type your name in full, I know that might be offensive to you, but it was not to me.

    I am ex forces, and I put on a uniform to serve this Country and it's people. I am watching it being destroyed, it is not racist to say that illegal immigrants are not welcome in the UK. I don't care where someone comes from, but they come here to get our welfare system, which is why the system is collapsing and British people are paying the price for it.

    Controlled immigration with Doctors and Nurses is one thing, but fighting age people of a certain religion who decide to detonate explosives at a Taylor Swift Concert in Manchester killing Children is not what this Country needs or is about.

    In my local area, you can google this Catherine Wells Burr, Chard a young beautiful woman, who was murdered by a WHITE polish bloke and then her body moved and burnt by THREE WHITE polish people and her parents are left without a daughter, because of immigration.

    Do you think that I am wrong or right, do you think that I am racist because I am saying WHITE or polish?

    Yes, not every person is bad, but if it was not for tony blair and mass immigration, then that beautiful young lady would not be dead, and the welfare system would not be collapsing.

    Nottinghill Carnival, how many stabbed about five? How many arrest for weapons and stuff.

    Diversity matters at the the expense of natural born British citizens, and not some joker who can claim a British passport. Who's parent's and themselves have come from overseas.

  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,736 Online Community Programme Lead

    Note from the community team:

    We want this discussion to continue, but we’re concerned that things are becoming quite tense and could easily escalate.

    Please remember that all discussions on Scope’s online community should remain civil, supportive, and safe.

    We’re choosing to pause this discussion for now so things can cool down and we can review it. For more information, please read ouronline community house rules.

    We will review it and if we are satisfied the discussion can continue, we will hope to un-pause it tomorrow.

This discussion has been closed.