Purpl Discounts

Autism_at_40 Community member Posts: 732 Empowering
edited September 8 in People power


I just came across purpldiscounts.com and wondered if anyone had heard of it/use it?

Apparently you can get discounts as a disabled person, I saw some as much as 20%.


  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 3,782 Online Community Coordinator

    Hi @Autism_at_40, I've very recently come across this too.

    I can't vouch for the website myself as I haven't tried it, but there are some interesting discounts on there for people who are eligible ๐Ÿ˜Š

  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 6,910 Online Community Coordinator

    I've actually tried to sign up, but I need to find my PIP award letter to do it. I'm definitely interested in the Pooch and Mutt savings. ๐Ÿ˜†

  • funkygeorge76
    funkygeorge76 Community member Posts: 5 Connected

    Hi all, not sure if I am allowed to respond? But I am the founder of Purpl - I am disabled with MS and also recently diagnosed with ADHD. I launched Purpl as I am know how expensive it is living with a disability and I wanted to help my community offset those costs.

    Lots of other groups get discounts but there was nothing for us - so I decided to change that. It's really important to me that once we start making profit we give back to disabled charities. Long term I want to start my own foundation so I can give grants to those people who need extra financial support to get access to equipment/therapies etc that will make a difference to their day to day lives.

    Below is a newspaper article from my local paper that went out a couple of months ago


    Please bear with us, we are a startup and have limited funds. We are constantly working on improving the site and have lots of plans that will come with time.

    You can sign up with many different documents including disability letters, reverse side of blue badge, CEA card, Access card, National Disability ID cards, disabled bus or train passes. Make sure you read our upload guide to ensure successful upload - we are working currently on improving the sign up process as we appreciate it's not perfect.

    I always email people when their document fails but often people don't see the reply so always check your junk folder and/or add help@support.purpldiscounts.com to your email list as well as georgina@purpldiscounts.com as that's where are weekly discount roundup email comes from via Mailchimp.

    You can always reach out to us on social media @purpldiscounts - thank you for your support.

  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,554 Online Community Programme Lead

    Hello @funkygeorge76 and welcome to the community. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Thanks for joining in and telling us a little bit more about Purpl and the history behind it!

  • funkygeorge76
    funkygeorge76 Community member Posts: 5 Connected

    Hi Adrian, thank you. I appreciate people are always wary of new things so hoping that being here and answering any questions will help.

    Also worth mentioning that if people google 'Purpl Disabled Discounts' they will find we are listed on several brand websites including big names like Hoover, Poundland, Accessorize, Moss Bros etc - hopefully as we become more well known everyone will start looking for the 'Disabled Discount' link in the footers of brand websites as well as on our website.

    Always open to hearing feedback as we are learning as we go, and we would love anyone who wants to share their story to get involved in our blog. Truly believe we can learn so much from each other's experiences.

  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 6,910 Online Community Coordinator

    Heya @funkygeorge76 I just wanted to say thank you for starting up Purpl discounts, I'm hoping it'll help tonnes of disabled folk, myself included. Such a brilliant idea, best of luck with it. โค๏ธ

    (I'll complete my sign up later today haha)

  • funkygeorge76
    funkygeorge76 Community member Posts: 5 Connected

    Thank you so much, it was when I was out shopping and realised that my son gets a student discount yet, there was nothing for disabled people. Just seemed wrong given how expensive it is being disabled and also as a community it is hard to get employment and as such we don't have the luxuries of pensions and benefits. It's about building awareness now so we can grow - as we grow we will be able to secure better discounts and more brands so I just need our community to help by sharing the website with all their friends and community groups etc.

  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 6,910 Online Community Coordinator

    I'll make sure I share it with my friends too. My dogs say thank you for the cheaper dog snacks. ๐Ÿ˜Š

  • funkygeorge76
    funkygeorge76 Community member Posts: 5 Connected

    Aww he's welcome, I should order my dog some just haven't got round to it yet ๐Ÿ˜‚

  • JessieJ
    JessieJ Community member Posts: 584 Pioneering

    Well done, @funkygeorge76, for coming up with an idea to fill that gap. I hope it is a great success. It isn't cheap being disabled, so any savings we can make help greatly.

  • funkygeorge76
    funkygeorge76 Community member Posts: 5 Connected

    Thanks Jessie, really appreciate the support. I spend a small fortune due to my MS! Didnโ€™t seem fair that others got discounts without having the extra financial burdens we all face x