Does pip tell work or get in contact

marklola82 Online Community Member Posts: 21 Contributor

Hi there i applied for pip today and they asked about work as i had the call style interview, will they contact work as i dont want people knowing i have applied or on pip. I have anxiety as it is.

I did not ask them on phone as my head is a mess and could not concentrate.


  • marklola82
    marklola82 Online Community Member Posts: 21 Contributor

    Thank you, i did tell them everything as my work is very good to me they let me go in as and when i can even if i manage to 1 hour sometimes i can not even manage the 1 hour when there as being sick etc. id be sacked anywhere else so they are good to me that way but its embarrassing if people know i have applied for pip so glad they won't know.

    Saying this while they ha w been great to me i think there will be limitations soon as a new area manager and i may be offed and not able to work there