tppy123 Community member Posts: 4 Listener

hi all. Looking for answers and help these things really confuse me. Sorry if punctuation and wording isn’t the best I’m not too good with this either. This might be quite long winded and I apologise but don’t know where else to go for advice and answers. Called helpline and messaged workcoaches but with no luck.

(I was confused by all this at the time and still am now lol.) i had/ have multiple ongoing health issues that only seem to be getting worse.

So 2019 I was in receipt of esa

I then lost esa and had to put in for another claim. The decision was taking like over 10 weeks in this time I was left with no money and children to care for so I decided to apply for UC instead as citizens advice advised me to. As I got UC i was automatically placed into LCW group because I was awarded it from ESA before I applied for the UC.

During the time from 2019 I handed in a few fit notes. I was confused why I had to hand fit notes in if I was in LCW group but told this was just the case.

Over the years. Reported different health issues through my journal. Was then told at one point I didn’t need to send in FIT / SICK NOTES. So I stopped doing this.

Moving forward I was now pregnant and my health issues got even worse then in march 2023 still pregnant I reported more health changes. Since this date I’ve not had to report any fit notes etc no

A few months ago I got a random work capability assessment, I attended this via telephone on 02/08/2024 I haven’t send any evidence or information in it’s all just what I have told them over the phone about my health issues and how it affects me.

03/09/2024 I have received a message in UC journal stating I have been awarded LCWRA. I am so grateful for this and feel really appreciative. Now my questions are as follows ;

Will I be entitled to any backdated payments?

When will my LCWRA award commend from?

Will I need to wait the 3 month period?

Why has it taken this long for UC to prompt a WCA ?? I knew nothing about sending sick notes in for just a few months then you automatically get sent for another assessment? Well this is what I’ve been reading online??

I have been under LCW since 2019 yet only been prompted to have a reassessment august 2024?

Just sooo confused about this whole this if someone could please shed some light on my situation I would really appreciate it.

Sicknotes in between 2019 not consistent, then sick notes from August to December 2022 I was then told I don’t need to send anymore.

New health condition reported march 2023. WCA August 2024. This whole time I have been under LCW even when sending the fit notes. Thanks in advance.


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing

    You didn't need to provide fit notes when you claimed UC because you already had LCW.

    When you reported changes to your health condition in March 2023, you should have provided a fit note at that time and continue to provide them without any gaps until a decision was made on your new WCA.

    Usually when you report changes the extra money is paid from that assessment period, without a waiting period. However, as you didn't provide fit notes then it will be down to a decision maker to decide when it's paid from.

  • tppy123
    tppy123 Community member Posts: 4 Listener

    thank you for your helpful reply. I also have another question if this can be answered. I have just requested a copy of the decision makers report. I am being told that I will need to wait the 3 month assessment period by the advisor over the phone. Is this correct even if I have already been under LCW since 2019. Thank you.

  • tppy123
    tppy123 Community member Posts: 4 Listener

    also I have been told that the award will begin from the date the letter was stated 03/09/2024. Is this true ? I just presumed it would be from the assessment date. 02/08/2024.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing

    You don’t need to wait 3 months for the assessment report. The helpline aren’t always very helpful in these situations and it’s often a waste of your time ringing them.

    If you want a copy then put a message on your journal and ask them.

    With regards to the extra money, as I advised you should have provided fit notes when you reported changes to your health condition back in March 2023. Not doing this can affect when the extra money is paid from and they will go from when the decision was made.

    You can put a message onto your journal under the payment section and tell them that you reported changes to your health condition in March 2023 but didn’t know that for notes were needed. Ask them if it could be paid from that assessment period. It will be down to a decision maker to make the final decision.

  • tppy123
    tppy123 Community member Posts: 4 Listener

    Hi. since 2019. I have submitted 3 different health changes and none have prompted a reassessment. I just feel so confused by it all. Something is t adding up in my brain.

    First report 15 may 2019

    Second report 30 march 2021

    Third report 2 march 2023.

    I was never told that I need to send fit notes after each of these periods.

  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 6,910 Online Community Coordinator

    Heya @tppy123 and welcome to the community.

    I see you're already being helped out, but I just wanted to pop in and say a quick hello. Hopefully you can get the answers you seek. 😊