wish my appointment would hurry up and get here

BrianMcFaddenFan82 Community member Posts: 37 Connected

I had an appointment at the cardio respiratory clinic at the hospital that has merged with my local hospital last December to do an at home sleep study.

I took the device back to my local hospital so that they could forward it to the other hospital for me as I use the hospital shuttle bus to get to and from the other hospital.

About a 2 months ago I received a letter letting me know that I have an appointment at the cardio respiratory clinic at the end of this month.

I wish it was earlier in the month tho as I'm getting really fed up with accidentally waking my fiancé up with my snoring.

I've got 3 appointments left this month and two of them around the middle of the month. One is my asthma review and the other is my second MMR vaccine, which had to be rearranged by the occupational health team as the nurses who work in there are on a course on that day, so its now on the 13th of this month.

My first one was with my new work coach at my local job centre on Tuesday just gone.

My work coach is really nice and is the first one who has actually checked my access requirements and said that when I attend my next appointment with her to ask the person who takes my name to let her know that I'm there and she'll come downstairs to me as I struggle with the stairs due to my asthma.
