Never give up.

onebigvoice Scope Member Posts: 806 Empowering

I recently wrote a post about UC and PIP assessments, and the information that should be given and what should be received from both the DWP and the assessors and the Tribunal Service by way of Laws, your rights of Information and how to request a Tribunal when it seems that the DWP WILL take 20 WEEKS PLUS to answer something that could be resolved in hours.

My comment is from my Daughter:

And below is the results:

Firstly for me these kind words make what I do worth it.

They are spoken from the heart, and there is no materialistic thing behind it.

U C although they were not to blame and in fact the interview (face to Face) was such a shock to him as to what had happened that he went upstairs where the Decision Makers were in the same building and told them to sort it. For that I was grateful and started the ball rolling to sort his side out. Yesterday he txt/e mailed her saying that he has reinstated her UC back to March, and gave both Enhanced Rate for Mobility and Living component, with a 5 year certificate of entitlement to get the mobility vehicle back that took 2 1/2 years to put on.

He had been in contact with Capita and DWP who 2 days ago also did the same thing and reinstated her claim going back to November 2023.

Having taken her case to a Tribunal and been refused a listing date, under the emergency hearing procedures in instructing the DWP to reply by the 8th or give reason in court as to why they did not adhere to the two previous requests which were extended by the Tribunal under the Tribunal Proceedures rules, this listing asked for both the Decision Maker and the Assessor to appear in court as the paperwork submitted should have been resolved over 2 years ago, as the Tribunal are not looking lightly at the assessment report or the decision makers decisions or that there was no supporting evidence from the Decision Maker to remove benefits.

The court may have no powers to enforce the result if they see that the "playing fieled" is bias that the reports should never have been used, they can start looking at the assessment company to see if this is a ONE-OFF or if this has been going on for some time and can revoke the company's ability to assess claimants.


If you have got to the end and read the whole post then just remember you have already made the first steps to getting help.

It has never been about the money or how to buck the system, but to get an assessment system that is fair, TO BOTH SIDES, since I am only asking for any help and would think like the person from UC who could see the errors and just went that little bit extra to remind others of their errors.

Since I have also found out as I had already stated that Capita and DWP had contacted the appellant to settle out of a Tribunal brfore the 8th September? Can't wait to see how or if the Tribunal received a message from the DWP to state: "We have decided to look again at the claim and are pleased to reinstate your claim with a 5 year certificate of entitlement and back payments."

Sorry guys, see you at the Tribunal….


  • onebigvoice
    onebigvoice Scope Member Posts: 806 Empowering

    Sorry I forgot to state that she has been put in the LWRAG so does not have to apply for work or hand in Sick Certificates because of the pending Operations and the uncertanty of the recouperation both after the operation in Hospital or the Three Months Bed Bound.