Universal credit & gp fit note

motheroffour Community member Posts: 26 Listener

hello so as my son carer appointee I start his uninversal claim for him as he has soesxail need was get child diabikty element on my claim now that all stop he had to claim his own easy said than done?

I end up make app at gp surgery for him next day of his claim ahead we went in spoke about fit note my son do yr of none advance part time course Collge again due to his learn issue anxiety with it

The doctor dodn even ask what his condition was why need for not so I expilan about old claim etc that in Collge do new course he did t want to know he said do letter which I know not exceptable with universal credit we had to go back forth next day job centre to do his id as wouldn't work on there online forume twice

To be told he hav e to come back again talk about stressful times doctor them

I explain about gp letter they said no he need fit note I meesge surgery again nothing

So rang next day explain situation for note etc what doc done said put through

Next day I got text of another doctor say letter be done

So back on phone they put all his medical needs down told doctor wmthat he needs fit note asap job centre refuse letter

Pick letter up on Fri say nothing about his conditions etc just go Collge get work 😡 so gone back onto fortune app put back in fit note again message say want to speak to senior doctor who knows? My son not trainie or new face we dont know them we know they dont read notes before app? It so stressful as deal my own stuff at moment medically have help him process all this explain that to doctor he needs the fit not not letter didn't listen so another wait game get back into surgery speak to some one again as he left children cakes team now been refer to d to adult side thing wait on app off them but takes so long list endless as well know no one else to help sort this out any advise is much appreciate As back dwp on 21 meet again take from there with a coach I know what happened? Then? They dont help these young people when stuggling already have no clue what to do esp my son who has issue read of forms etc doesn't understand any of this hense why had to same in Collge when ask fill something out ring me give them the phone I take from there? Even tho he has ECHP in place?


  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,554 Online Community Programme Lead

    Hello @motheroffour. It sounds like the GP might not be understanding what your son needs a fit note for. What reason did they give for refusing to do one?

  • motheroffour
    motheroffour Community member Posts: 26 Listener

    said he can look work after didn't even speak about his disabilty with me or my son

  • motheroffour
    motheroffour Community member Posts: 26 Listener

    i spoke to them twice reception and message regarding it and still went ahead did letter I did t even know this doctor he didn't know us been so many new face there trainie that can't seem get anthing done he wait on his app for mental health team but take ages as we know so no one help him other than me this since March he not sleep either which I spoke about to doctor wouldn't do out as has tonesit to see them at app because they do his medication request and they stop do his repeat meds a surgery for his sleep no reason why keep request them not doing them 😡 now he struggling