My Fit notes have to stop they said

Ellon Community member Posts: 26 Listener

Hi I wrote a while back regarding my fit notes after submitting them for nine months, I still haven't got anywhere with the universal credits, they told me to stop submitting fit notes, I phoned them to ask them why? as ivent had my capability assessment threw yet (letter) she got really nasty saying I need to listen to them! I told her ivent had my capability letter threw yet so I need to keep sending them in she got really nippy with me saying I need to stop sending in fit notes no explanation why? anyone help me am banging my head about I don't have a journal it's telephone calls, my Anxiety is threw the roof!



  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 3,858 Online Community Coordinator

    Hi @Ellon, Sorry to hear that you're still struggling with your Universal Credit claim, I understand how stressful it can be to not get any answers. This all sounds a bit strange!

    Have you been told that you're in the LCWRA or LCW groups at all?

  • Ellon
    Ellon Community member Posts: 26 Listener

    Thank you

    Rosie scope I got told I was in the Lcw for now! I am still waiting on my capability assessment to come back as I've haven't had a assessment letter , phone call ,

    as yet ? Got told not submit any more fit notes if they could give me a straight answer, I would be fine my anxiety is good

    thank you

  • Ellon
    Ellon Community member Posts: 26 Listener

  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 3,858 Online Community Coordinator

    That sounds really confusing, I can see why you're anxious about it!

    Did you start off your claim on another benefit and transition to Universal Credit, or did your claim start off on Universal Credit to begin with?

  • Ellon
    Ellon Community member Posts: 26 Listener

    Hi thank you getting back to me. I went on to universal credit back in January 15th I've been submitting fit notes since then with no breaks then I submitted 2 CU 50; three or four months after I don't know the reason for that I wasn't on benefits for 5 years before I was working i had to stop due to ill health so no benefits as far I know it was universal credit I waited for my first uc payment, after that submitted fit notes my assessment is still in the hands of the assessment team that's been there 6 months now ? With no movement my anxiety isn't good just worried thank you

  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 3,858 Online Community Coordinator

    Hi @Ellon, do you have to contact one particular person or is it someone different each time you ring? Maybe someone different could explain to you why you don't need to send them any more.

    It might also be worth talking to a benefits advisor about your claim. They can sometimes take a look at things and let you know where you stand. Advicelocal have a directory, or perhaps even Citizens Advice might be able to offer some ideas too.

    Are you hoping to be put into the LCWRA category when your assessment eventually comes back?

  • Ellon
    Ellon Community member Posts: 26 Listener

    Thank you for this, yes it someone different all the time , who ever answers the phones, they read it off their computer, I was really hurt this morning the way she talked down to me TELLING ME to listen to them but she couldn't give me a reason why? Yes my doctor at the hospital submitted a letter saying she would like it if I couldn't work as it would me worse .. I didn't think it would be so confusing just to send in few fit notes get assesment but for months now they are still looking at my assessment so I don't no why so upsetting thank you and sorry for the long message

  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 3,858 Online Community Coordinator

    That's upsetting @Ellon, I'm sorry you were spoken to that way when you're just trying to find out what's going on. You'd think it would be nice and simple!

    I have heard that some members have contacted their MPs about assessments before, maybe that's something you could try too? I can't promise anything, but sometimes they can contact the DWP to find out what's going on with particular cases:

    Find MPs - MPs and Lords - UK Parliament

  • Ellon
    Ellon Community member Posts: 26 Listener

    Thank you I will try this as it's just another day another day it's not moving just the same old not getting told anything making stress out thank you for your support Roise scope