UC migration from esa
hi iv just done my migration claim such a worry im reading on here about support group on esa how do I know if im in that and also what does lcwra mean
University and LCWRA/UC
hi everyone :) I'm hoping for a bit of advice if possible, I'm sorry if this is insanely long! I'm currently on LCWRA/UC for mental health struggles and rent alone, prior to receiving lcwra I was a student at university but I had to drop out in my first year due to my mental health which ultimately effected my physical…
Young people on UC LCWRA
I've just joined this site. I have hypermobile ehlers danloss syndrome, chrons disease, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, complex post traumatic stress disorder, autism, severe and treatment resistent depression and anxiety. I have more conditions but they're not as relevant to work or daily living. I'm just…
Universal credit review
Hi, I have been on universal credit for 6 years with no review in the LCWRA group. Today I have received a message in my journal asking me to upload 4 months banks statements and photo id. Is this normal after already being on universal credit and the 2nd question if if I don't have photo id what can I upload as substitute?
Can I work if I am in lcwra? Will it effect my lcwra?
HI Can anyone please tell me if i am in lcwra can i work if i can work how many hours i can work and will it effect my lcwra ?
Further evidence review issue
Good evening everyone, I am absolutely wracked with fear over my further evidence review on Friday. I claim LCWRA and PIP as i have mental health, back and diabetes issues. I had a call with an agent on the 20/3 after I had given him 4 months worth of statements and literally the call lasted 5 minutes after I asked a…
Hi, my name is kellyohara! I handed in a LCW on 17 dec. My fit notes are dated...
hi I handed in a LCW on 17 dec My fit notes are dated 14/10-14/12, 5/12-5/2, and 5/2 -5/4 My assessment period is 26th - 25th of the month and I receive Universal credit on the 3rd of the month I was awarded LCWRA and has been added to April pay (26 feb - 25 march) And said I will get £416 paid that they owe from 26th Jan…
Hi, my name is Staffs212! I’ve just joined the community as I’m fast approaching pension age...
Hi everyone. I’ve just joined the community as I’m fast approaching pension age, early but it’s still approaching. I’m looking for some wise advice from anyone who knows about pensions and benefits. I currently receive ESA, LCWRA, U/C and Pip higher rates in both parts. I’ve just put my application form in to my GP to…
re universal credit " review"
Hi, I'm in the LCWRA group of universal credit and have been for 6 years. Today I received a notification in my journal to upload my last 4 months bank statements and photo id. Is this standard and has anyone else been through this. I understand the checks for new claims but has anyone had this for existing ones? The…
Declaring increase in rent to UC
Hi, I'm currently in receipt of UC ( LCWRA group) and receive LHA in my UC for rent on a private rented house. About 18 months ago my rent increased by £150, but as I was already at the maximum LHA rate as it didn't cover the rent on my cheaper rate let alone the new one I didn't declare it ( or know I had to). As 18…
Hi, my name is mart2047! I got limited workcapabillty lcra.ive been putting in sick notes...
Can eny one help me out here ,I got limited workcapabillty lcra.ive been putting in sick notes continuously no gaps since 24 October 2024 the dwp made there dission on the 25feb 2025 they have apply the extra amount to my uc payment on 29 March 2025 .I rung them up yesterday day to ask about back as I believe the 3 months…
LWC work focused interview
I am deemed as LWC but receive no extra payment fir this but do get universal credit and standard PIP . Since my LWC went through in 2022 my health has deteriorated and I have several new health conditions all with medical evidence and MRIs etc . Anyway I got a call from universal saying I had to have a work focused…
Lcwra reviews
I have asked universal credit how long my lcwra was awarded for. Said 16 months and told me it's due 2025 September. My question is how likely will I have to have a review this year
Universal credit
Hi I am new to this but here gos i am getting contribution based e s a fortnightly and also get pip but I have put a claim in for universal credit i know they will take my contribution based e s a from it but I have been told I can get L C W R A is this right ? and if so do I only get so much off it with having e s a
What Do You Think - I Need Your Input.
Hi. I'm currently on ESA LCWRA and am not claiming PIP, as going through the WCA was too stressful for me and I have never bothered to claim PIP, even though my doctor advised me to claim it. As you know it, following the new changes, the WCA is to be scrapped and everybody will be assessed via a new single assessment…
Surely this is a cheat..changing WCA to PIP
So as I understand it the previous attempt by the government to change LCWRA descriptors was deemed illegal because sure enough it was in fact only an attempt to save money and not to help or access people too sick to work…so the recent government announcement to merge the WCA criteria with PIP( and non work related…
LWCRA-Breach of the equality act 2010-Legal help required
Hi SC, I need some help, below is my formal complaint to the company Maximus in relation to the assessments, I have posted on here previously about my situation, which has been helpful, after years of abuse and torment from the DWP I have also logged an official complaint with them, I need someone who knows how I can…
Health Assessment etc with UC
Hi, due to anxiety issues I had to complete a UC50 form back in December 2024, I recieved a 3 month Fit / sick note from my GP which ended 10th March. I had my health assessment with UC on the 18th March and I am awaiting the outcome for this. I also have a routine appointment 3rd April to speak with and hopefully gain a…
Hi, my name is Scooby123! What is going to happen if you are in receipt of lctwra but not pip...
What is going to happen if you are in receipt of lctwra but not pip, I just needed the acknowledgement of the health conditions I have and why I genuinely can't work, I had a major brain operation when I was 18 to remove a tumour from my frontal lobe and part of the frontal lobe causing damage I have suffered from…
UC change of circumstance advance payment due to being awarded LCRWA
ok just wondering if anyone has any knowledge on this , i have recently been awarded LCRWA and received backpay etc… I have read on various websites and read that I should be eligible for a change of circumstance advance payment due to a significant increase in my UC payments due to be awarded the LCRWA element. but for…
LCWRA - Self Employment
Hi, Short background… My daughter is disabled and in receipt of LCWRA, she has a number of conditions that affect her but predominantly Learning Issues, ASD and PTSD. She does not really leave the house and when she does she needs to be accompanied and hence has only online friends. She enjoys gaming online and likes to…
What does it mean to "engage" with UC if you are on LCWRA and PIP since 2019
Hi everyone, back in 2019 I had my last health assessment for LCWRA and later applied for PIP and am on the enhanced for this. I was always told to regularly sign into my UC account, once a week and have done this since and the only thing they ever contacted me about was to see if I was claiming any other pension etc which…
LCW Childcare Costs
I have been on LCW since May 2024. I have tried to claim childcare costs the past 2 months and have been told I can’t as I’m not on LCWRA. The GOV website says different though. Can anyone help please?!
can you get into trouble for spending your money and gambling and alcohol etc ?
Migrated to UC once I got LCWRW Council tax support reduced but income from UC not changed
I'm on PIP (Enhanced for both). My Partner cares for me and gets Carers Allowance He doesn't work (Being a carer is his /a full time job), so our income doesnt change from month to month). We have 2 children we still get Child benefit for. We rent from the council (North Yorkshire). In September 25 we managed migrated to…
Hi, my name is butterfly333! Can I try working without my LCWRA being stopped?
Hello, I need some help. I’m currently on LCWRA for my mental health, I’ve been on it for over a year now but I’m starting to feel a little better, I still suffer day to day so my health hasn’t changed but being in the house I feel in the long term will make me worse. I’m wanting to look for a job maybe for a few hours 4/8…
Awarded LCWRA and rewarded by LOSING almost £200 a month from UC
So covered under transitional protection, wife and I care for each other, all good there, we both got carers element and payments steady. Persuaded to apply for LCWRA and both of us were classified as coming under it (though aware we would only get one element). Login to check our payment to make sure its been applied and…
Confused on disability premiums and housing benefit cap.
Hello, I am currently receiving UC with the LCWRA element, and have also recently been awarded PIP. I have read online about how if you are receiving PIP and/or LCWRA then you are exempt from the benefits cap. My rent is £625 a month in a private rental but the LHA for my area is only £495 so I’m having to pay the £130…
Help please am I due any back dated payment
Hi all I reported a health change on the Wednesday 16th October 2024, says on journal this is effective since 2 September 2024. I first sent in sick note since 4th November 2024 . For 4 months without missing anything . My dates are - (25th of every month pay day ) 4th nov - award date 19th - 18th December 2024 - assesment…
Hi, my name is max12! Could someone please explain this me I'm very confused...
Hi Could someone please explain this me I'm very confused...Hi Maxine, Thanks for your message, you were found to have LCWRA from the 19 December 2024. There has to be 3 full assessment periods not including the assessment period were you were found to have LCWRA before the LCWRA will be included in your entitlement. LCWRA…