Hi, my name is Kitsap! School cannot meet sons needs. What can I do?

Kitsap Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
edited September 2024 in Education and skills

Hello. I need help. My son is 17 without a school.

His school reported they cannot meet his needs.

The Local Authority will help fund us, but we cannot find a school or a tutor that will assist. What can I do at this time.


  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 9,046 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Hey @Kitsap and welcome to the community.

    I'm afraid I'm not an expert when it comes to schooling. So what I'll do is pop your discussion over into the education category, so more people in the know will be able to see it and hopefully offer some top advise. I hope that's ok?

  • Kitsap
    Kitsap Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener

    Yes Thank you very much for your help!

  • Doris_Scope
    Doris_Scope Scope Family Services Posts: 183 Family Services

    Hi @Kitsap

    I am sorry to hear that you are struggling to find appropriate education for your son. Sadly this is all too common.

    I presume that your son has an EHCP if the local authority are willing to fund alternative education.

    If the school are saying they cannot meet his needs, what are they doing about it? Has an emergency annual review been held? Are the school aware of any local tutors that can help you. Or, any online sites that can provide the education?

    How has your son coped in school. Is the environment too much for him or does he struggle with the education side of things. Maybe a college that covers practical subjects or NVQs would be better for him?

    It might be worth having a look at https://www.ipsea.org.uk/

    They have a really good website for information and you can also contact them for some free legal advice. They run an open book diary to book onto, but this can be difficult. There is no rhyme or reason as to when they release appointments, so just keep looking at different times and keep refreshing the page. If one pops up, grab it.

    You can also call them by phone three days a week. All of the information for contacting them and getting an appointment is on the above site.

    It might be worth looking into your local independent advisory service as well, if you haven't already. They are often called SENDIASS or IASS. You can find them on your Local Offer. Just type your local area followed by Local offer into the computer and you should be able to find yours. You can also find all of the schools for Special Educational Needs on the Local Offer.

    I hope some of this information helps. Please feel free to come back with any more more questions and someone will try and help you.

    Take care
