Pins and needles

sezlez Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener

Hi everyone

I suffer with Peripheral Neuropathy and have found in the last 2 years or so that I start to get pins and needles in my right foot as soon as I go to bed. I've been on Pregabalin and I am now on Gabapentin taking 600mg last thing at night without any relief. Has anyone got any suggestions that may help with my problem? Thanks.


  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 4,654 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Hi @sezlez, sorry to hear you're struggling. This isn't something I live with but I just wanted to pop in to say hello and welcome you to the community. We've got lots of members so hopefully some of them will have experienced similar symptoms and will be able to share if anything's helped them.

    I hope you're able to find some relief from your tingling soon!

  • JessieJ
    JessieJ Online Community Member Posts: 731 Pioneering

    Hi @sezlez

    I have peripheral neuropathy, it's not great but I've found on 2400mg of Gabapentin over the course of the day has eased it no end. I'm prescribed 2700mg but have chosen to keep some in hand. Every now & again I still get some nasty sparks & spikes in my feet but they're manageable compared to how I was. I also have it in my hands/arms, that is more pins & needles, not the spiking pain, that has calmed some too. I haven't tried Pregabalin, although, I take 100mg of Amitriptyline at night too. With what you're on, give it some time & if you don't get any relief, ask if the Gaba can be upped a little, another 100mg maybe & go from there. It's all a bit trial & error really, but hopefully you will get to the more manageable stage.

  • sezlez
    sezlez Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener

    Hi @JessieJ

    Thanks for your reply. I didn't know that you were able to take such a high dose of Gabapentin. I don't get many pain attacks it's mainly pins and needles which can keep me awake most of the night. I'll try increasing it gradually. Thanks once again.

  • JessieJ
    JessieJ Online Community Member Posts: 731 Pioneering

    You're welcome, @sezlez

    Was surprised when my GP put me on Gabapentin & said what the max was. That was from a gradual increase until I got to the right dose for me. I hope you find the right dose & get the relief you need.

  • sezlez
    sezlez Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener

    Thanks @JessieJ Is your 2400mg of Gabapentin spread evenly over the course of the day?

  • JessieJ
    JessieJ Online Community Member Posts: 731 Pioneering

    No probs, @sezlez.

    Yes, increased gradually then evenly spaced (depending on my memory!!), so I've chosen to take them four times a day for now.

  • sezlez
    sezlez Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener

    Thank you @JessieJ 😊

  • JessieJ
    JessieJ Online Community Member Posts: 731 Pioneering

    You're welcome, @sezlez, I hope you find the sweet spot with them. 🤞

  • Emma52
    Emma52 Online Community Member Posts: 60 Contributor

    Hi, I've been diagnosed with axonal distal peripheral neuropathy. I'm presently taking 2700mg Gabapentin per day and the consultant says I can increase this if need be. To be honest I'm not impressed as I am in pain most of the time and the only thing that eases it seems to be distraction. I only see him twice a year and it rather depends what mood he is in as to what I can gleam from him. Time before last he had me feeling sorry for him because he has to tell children they have conditions that will not get better, followed by telling me not to expect mine to get better. He's told me there's probably no specific cause. He's told me there isn't a cure but the Gabapentin would help. I am really glad that you both seem to find Gabapentin works for you.

  • sezlez
    sezlez Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener

    Hi Emma

    I only get pins and needles when I go to bed. Gabapentin hasn't been working despite taking 900mg at bedtime. I've seen my GP this week and she has put me on Duloxetine and gradually stopping taking Gabapentin.

  • egister
    egister Posts: 559 Empowering

    In my personal experience, doctors with neuropathic pain play roulette with prescribing medications. For decades, no progress. It's horrible.