my mental health

lesleys1963 Online Community Member Posts: 13 Listener

my name is lesley , and desperately need help as im not in a good place


  • Bluebell21
    Bluebell21 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 8,985 Championing

    Hi @lesleys1963 I am sorry you are not in a good place. Have you spoken to your GP to see what help he is able to give you?

    You could also speak to the Samaritans. You do not have to be suicidal to get in touch with them. If you need someone to talk to they will listen. They will not judge or tell you what to do. You can call them any day or night free from any phone 116 123.

    Please take care of yourself.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,083 Championing

    How are you today lesley pls reach out you are not alone we are here for you x

  • Rachel_Scope
    Rachel_Scope Posts: 1,649 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Hi @lesleys1963. How are you feeling today? We're here to support you ❤️

  • lesleys1963
    lesleys1963 Online Community Member Posts: 13 Listener


    Thank you for asking

    this is new to me so i am struggling to understand how this works?

    Can you discuss anything on here ?

    many thanks

  • lesleys1963
    lesleys1963 Online Community Member Posts: 13 Listener

    Thank you

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,083 Championing

    How are you today

  • lesleys1963
    lesleys1963 Online Community Member Posts: 13 Listener

    To be honest not that good

    Thanks for asking

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,083 Championing

    Awful isn't it everyday have you family friends support

  • lesleys1963
    lesleys1963 Online Community Member Posts: 13 Listener

    I do not know how to get help regarding my housing situation which is be going on over 2 years which amongst other problems making my mental health deteriorate further

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,083 Championing

    Oh sorry to hear that are you housing association or council have you tried CAB I'm sure scope could give you some advice on housing of you phone up I'm not sure if shelter still around and maybe your doctor could write a letter about your declining mental health

  • lesleys1963
    lesleys1963 Online Community Member Posts: 13 Listener

    unfortunately no friends but a daughter he's not that understanding doesn't quite understand Mental Health I guess ..

    i am practically a recluse and lived like this seems like forever.

    i am not good at making friends as i do not go out , plus i have had so many neighbours which i thought and hoped they were friends, only to find out they were talking things of me.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,083 Championing

    I'm the same very reclusive people drain me my daughter used to be the same when she was younger get very angry at me whichi understand but as an adult she understands I find scope very helpful and non judging its so hard I want to be around people but they drain and trigger me at the same time do you have any pets hobbies

  • lesleys1963
    lesleys1963 Online Community Member Posts: 13 Listener

    No i do not have any pets

    i have 3 grandchildren which is lovely they are really all that keeps me going stop me from doing things to myself

    i am new to this and do not know how i managed to come across this site , as i do not remember signing up to this ..

    So this site is all genuine people with different problems.

    sorry i am just trying to understand this site

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,083 Championing

    Yes all Manor of subjects you can discuss I came on for benefit advice so helpful and when having bad day come on here always someone giving good advice well thankgod you have your grandkids totally understand that it's my daughter and dogs for me life is so stressful the anxiety eats me inside out some days it is hard

  • lesleys1963
    lesleys1963 Online Community Member Posts: 13 Listener

    i couldn't agree with you more about anxiety eating you away .. I think i was looking for advice on pip this is the reason i came on . it's i very helpful I will get the hang of this soon . Thank you

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,083 Championing

    Yes extremely helpful I'm dyslexic and so embarrassed by my spelling writing no judgement here I wish you all the best glad you replied have a restful evening x

  • Rachel_Scope
    Rachel_Scope Posts: 1,649 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Morning @lesleys1963 😊 You can share you worries here and the team and our wonderful members will try and support you. You can ask about literally anything. You can start a new post in one of our categories, or just carry on posting here 😊 Have a look around and become familiar with how it all works. The Coffee Lounge is a good place to start as there's loads of different discussions going on there, feel free to jump into one.

    Do you want to tell us more about your housing situation and your mental health?