Income related esa and backdated deferred occupational pension one off payment

Ripley43 Community member Posts: 4 Listener

Hello, I really need some help.

I was due to claim my occupational pension at 60years old, I'm now 64 but I deferred it after being told it was not classed as notional income. I'm now looking to claim this pension but I've just found out that for each year I've deferred (which is currently 4years) i will be paid these as arrears as a taxable one off payment alongside my 1st monthly payment and my tax free lumpsum. My fear is that because I've been claiming income related esa in the meanwhile that this backdated payment is going to be applied as income as if I was receiving the pension payment all along whilst being on esa so I shouldn't have been entitled to those payments. Will this be the case or will it be just classed as capital as the normal lump sum would be?

I had no clue that by deferring I would receive a backdated lump sum!! I can't find any information on this whatsoever only that you are entitled to defer a occupational pension until you hit pension credit age as it then becomes notional income



  • Ripley43
    Ripley43 Community member Posts: 4 Listener

    Anybody got any ideas at all?

  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 3,858 Online Community Coordinator

    Hi @Ripley43, sorry you haven't had a response so far. I'm afraid I'm not too sure about your question myself, but it might be worth getting in touch with your local Citizens Advice to see if they can help clarify it all for you.

    Another thing worth trying would be to see if there's a local benefits adviser who could look at your details for you. AdviceLocal have a directory to search:


    Sorry I can't be more helpful! I hope one of our members has been through similar and might be able to share what happened for them. Fingers crossed you can get things sorted.

  • Ripley43
    Ripley43 Community member Posts: 4 Listener

    Thanks for your reply, I'll bare your advice in mind. Hopefully somebody on here who has knowledge on income related ESA could help