im 58 year old woman ,just dx with Adhd ,full spine scoliosis both should have been dx in childhood,

cleopatra66 Community member Posts: 1 Listener

sufffering severe depression and anxiety and totally isolated with no family ,, ,in factbparents emotionally abusive ,feeling despair and overwhelmed esp due tomfrailty and vulnerabity hypertension live opposite council estate pub very noisy,and garages under me ,noisesbsensitivity have been stuck herr


  • Rachel_Scope
    Rachel_Scope Posts: 1,059 Online Community Coordinator

    Hi @cleopatra66 and welcome to the community😊

    I'm glad you've finally got a diagnosis but so sorry that it's taken this long, that shouldn't have happened. Do you have any mental health support such as a Dr? Are you in privately rented or council accommodation? I'm wondering if you could be put on a list for a new home.

    I'm going to send you an email shortly, can you look out for it?