Labours Welfare Cuts

charlie72 Online Community Member Posts: 64 Empowering

The recent cuts to the winter fuel allowance for some pensioners has now made me very anxious as to what else Labour may be planning to do in regards to welfare. They seem to be very vague as to what they are planning to cut in the welfare budget, I'm on P.I.P at present and also L.C.W.R.A and it's a constant worry as to what they will do in the October budget. They don't seem very bothered about taking vital income off those who are less well off, or even living in dire poverty, I honnestly never imagined a labour government would do such a thing. I'm terrified my benefits will be cut, I have to use most of it to pay the excess on my rent, and energy prices going up next month too, it's all very overwhelming, and we seem to be easy targets to pick on as we don't really have a voice in these issues. What cuts could they be planning, i'm so worried?


  • Ralph
    Ralph Online Community Member Posts: 141 Empowering

    I think means testing PIP may be on the cards.

  • Nightcity
    Nightcity Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,283 Championing

    I'll keep this as calm and polite as possible, considering what I'd like to say.

    Basically labour are absolutely disgusting and I find ot hard to believe nobody at all can stop them doiy whatever they like.

    There's never been so many people frightened and so ill with anxiety, absolutely unforgivable. Destroying lives before they've even announced anything by dropping cryptic hints, harsh wordings etc.

    It's not true labour, they have betrayed everyone and everything that they stood for and who relied on them.

  • Ralph
    Ralph Online Community Member Posts: 141 Empowering

    Leaving sick and disabled people hanging for months in fear of their incomes is I agree disgraceful.

  • Nightcity
    Nightcity Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,283 Championing

    There surely must be some kind of regulations, laws, acts that can stop them running riot.

  • Rachel_Scope
    Rachel_Scope Posts: 1,649 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Hi @charlie72. I understand your worries but at present we don't know what they will decide to do with regards to benefits. Liz Kendal is speaking on October 7th about PIP so we will have more answers then. We're all concerned about what may happen but it's best to wait and see rather than make predictions that may not come true. There are lots of sources that only want to sow fear into us all so be mindful of what sources you use.

  • Meg24
    Meg24 Online Community Member Posts: 369 Trailblazing

    If they go forward with all the changes the Tories proposed I will be made homeless. I can't imagine how I'll be ok with that, part of me is clinging on in disbelief that they would do that, but what if they do? I'm exhausted and ill with worry about it.

  • Meg24
    Meg24 Online Community Member Posts: 369 Trailblazing

    I can't afford my rent contribution and my dog on basic UC, I can't tolerate losing my home of 16 years and I can't live without my dog. If they strip me of the LCWRA and PIP I'm done for. Not all mental illness features active psychosis but that doesn't mean we aren't just as ill in a different way.

  • Rachel_Scope
    Rachel_Scope Posts: 1,649 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Hi @Meg24. Please try not to worry about being homeless. I can't imagine that any government would want people to be in that situation. What's making you concerned about losing LCWRA and PIP?